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QBP Vs Eghamhoop...

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  • #31
    OK, I'm not ITK by any means, but just for the sake of a bit of fun at this ungodly hour.......(and I didn't even check Wikipedia first !)

    Speroni -Yes please, best Keeper in the Championship.
    Ambrose - Not
    Clyne - Premiership bound with splinters in his bot bot.
    Hill - Sounds like a banker.
    Danns - Sounds likely.
    Hooper - Apparently not, heading for St. Andrews (not Brum), shame.
    Stead - I've a hunch he will sign.
    Pratley - No chance, Premiership squaddy.
    Montgomery - Likely if free.
    Spurr - Possibly if Tosic doesn't sign.
    Maynard - Not likely.
    Hulse - Maybe if Stead doesn't arrive.
    Kozluck - Got a trial ? So every chance.
    Simek - As Kozluck.
    Tosic - I wish, but Premiership bound & 1st choice at that.
    Volz - Yes please, if 100% fit & assuming no more foreign interest.
    Taarabt - Yes please, at the right price, but not likely.
    Simpson - Growing less likely by the day, I think.
    Beattie - No, can't see us agreeing his wages.
    Kitson - Likewise and already failed to show once before, if true.
    Beckford - No, Everton.
    Herman - Sounded promising, damn those scousers.

    Doesn't feel like the striker recruits we're all craving, but plenty more fish in the sea and I've a hunch Warnock will pull something out of the bag.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Goddard View Post
      I know what you mean.

      I don't get how people can say some stuff about rumoured players. Quick look on Wikipedia, and minds made up?!

      Again, I'm NOT saying that people shouldn't post what they think... that's what these boards are for.
      But that's just my opinion on their opinions.

      If you know what i mean?!
      Goddard you're just as rubbish as some of the players we have been linked too!

      - meant in jest fella. Couldn't agree more with what you said.

