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Lower divisions halt parachute increases

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  • Lower divisions halt parachute increases

    A move to double parachute payments for clubs relegated from the top-flight ended in deadlock yesterday after League One and Two chairmen blocked the change.

  • #2

    Would be better to stop parachute payments full stop and insists clubs run within their means. God only knows what state clubs like Portsmouth would get themselves into, if they are able to trade at such ridiculous levels of deficit and persuade other parties to extend them even more credit based upon guarantees of 4 years worth of funds.

    In my business, I have to file balance sheets, profit & loss accounts, along with all manner of other information, twice a year to the FSA. If there is anything that they are not happy with, an investigation would follow. Unless all their requirements are satisfied in relation to capital adequacy etc., they are at liberty to cancel my authorisation, effectively putting me out of business.


    • #3
      Originally posted by brightonr View Post

      Would be better to stop parachute payments full stop and insists clubs run within their means. God only knows what state clubs like Portsmouth would get themselves into, if they are able to trade at such ridiculous levels of deficit and persuade other parties to extend them even more credit based upon guarantees of 4 years worth of funds.

      In my business, I have to file balance sheets, profit & loss accounts, along with all manner of other information, twice a year to the FSA. If there is anything that they are not happy with, an investigation would follow. Unless all their requirements are satisfied in relation to capital adequacy etc., they are at liberty to cancel my authorisation, effectively putting me out of business.
      I agree. How can it be fair in any way shape or form?

      You come down you, you reap what you sow.
      It might make clubs i the Prem think harder about their finances if they don't have a net to catch them in the Championship.
      The future's bright...the future is blue and white.


      • #4
        yes, good news. would destroy the ccc
        twitter @silvercue



        • #5
          Great news.
          If teams get relegated from the Prem, they should have to work just as hard as everyone else to get back up.
          It's bad enough that it's not a level playing field anyway at the moment, without making it even worse.
          Faurlin is my hero!!! Love him!!! #########


          • #6
            Terrible decision by the FL clubs. Will now mean that PL withold all funding of the lower levels. Potentially terminal for some League 1 and 2 clubs.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Nodge70 View Post
              Terrible decision by the FL clubs. Will now mean that PL withold all funding of the lower levels. Potentially terminal for some League 1 and 2 clubs.
              So are you saying that the lower division clubs should just get on with it, accepting what handouts their masters in the Premier League deem that they are worthy of, even though it would mean that there is no hope for almost any of them ever reaching even the Championship?

              What justification can you find, for rewarding badly run clubs who overspend to the extent that they place themselves in financial difficulty, by giving them even more money in order to pay out on inflated salaries to vast squads of players, where a good proportion of them never even start a game?

              Absolute madness.


              • #8
                Good news. Clubs should run themselves and should stick within their means...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Nodge70 View Post
                  Terrible decision by the FL clubs. Will now mean that PL withold all funding of the lower levels. Potentially terminal for some League 1 and 2 clubs.
                  i cant see why you think its bad news.

                  48 million pounds for relegated clubs means that the teams in the prem now will roughly stay the same for years. Many clubs will really never, ever be able to compete.

                  Alos, why should clubs be rewarded for failure.

                  Have a look at the link I posted in the general football forum to see a good model for running football, if all countries did that the fans would win at last.
                  twitter @silvercue



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by silvercue View Post
                    i cant see why you think its bad news.

                    48 million pounds for relegated clubs means that the teams in the prem now will roughly stay the same for years. Many clubs will really never, ever be able to compete.

                    Alos, why should clubs be rewarded for failure.

                    Have a look at the link I posted in the general football forum to see a good model for running football, if all countries did that the fans would win at last.
                    Yes, but that would involve the use of common sense and fair play. Not a realistic proposition for the "private gentlemen's club" that is otherwise known as the Premier League.


                    • #11
                      Football teams in this country especially if relegated from premiership, should not get payment parachutes.

                      How can you fail and be rewarded? Only banks can do that
                      THE WEST LONDON 90 MINUTE FOOTBALL SHOW EVERY MONDAY FROM 9.30PM http://mixlr.com/the90mfs/


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by brightonr View Post
                        Yes, but that would involve the use of common sense and fair play. Not a realistic proposition for the "private gentlemen's club" that is otherwise known as the Premier League.
                        True. The last couple of years I have started to worry about football in England.

                        Our strength was always our depth - the fact that there are good crowds in lower leagues and the top tier feed from that.

                        Now it means nothing - there are not any more Les Ferdinands. Players don't come through anymore, they are bought from abroad, or ready made.

                        Parachute payment increases would only accelerate this spiral downwards.
                        twitter @silvercue



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by brightonr View Post
                          So are you saying that the lower division clubs should just get on with it, accepting what handouts their masters in the Premier League deem that they are worthy of, even though it would mean that there is no hope for almost any of them ever reaching even the Championship?

                          What justification can you find, for rewarding badly run clubs who overspend to the extent that they place themselves in financial difficulty, by giving them even more money in order to pay out on inflated salaries to vast squads of players, where a good proportion of them never even start a game?

                          Absolute madness.
                          It's not reward. It's effectively a level of subsidy to ensure that the clubs at the lower levels share the wealth generated by the Premier League. If the PL don't hand some back to share out, the rich simply get richer, the gap widens even further and we're all in a NFL type franchise arrangement.

                          The current structure and membership of the FL is integral to the overall health of the game in this country. It's why we're the strongest football nation in the world. By deliberately withholding funding as a rather, IMO, childish protest, will send clubs spiralling into liquidation. Aside from the human cost that inflicts, it undermines the strength of the pyramid rather than aids it.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Nodge70 View Post
                            It's not reward. It's effectively a level of subsidy to ensure that the clubs at the lower levels share the wealth generated by the Premier League. If the PL don't hand some back to share out, the rich simply get richer, the gap widens even further and we're all in a NFL type franchise arrangement.

                            The current structure and membership of the FL is integral to the overall health of the game in this country. It's why we're the strongest football nation in the world. By deliberately withholding funding as a rather, IMO, childish protest, will send clubs spiralling into liquidation. Aside from the human cost that inflicts, it undermines the strength of the pyramid rather than aids it.
                            Sorry Nodge, I'm a little confused here, although quite possibly my fault.

                            I'm all for the Premier League subsidising lower league clubs, as in my opinion, they are largely responsible for the plight of the smaller clubs due to how football has changed since its introduction. In that respect, I am agreeing with Silvercue's sentiments above.

                            However, my point was, why should they be doubling the money given to clubs relegated from the Premier League? Would it not be fairer to split that money between those in the lower echelons who are more in need of it just to survive, rather than funding clubs such as Middlesborough for example, who simply waste it on overpaying the likes of Lita and Kitson and making those individuals wealthier.

                            I am going on the assumption here that you work within the football industry and know a lot more than me about the way certain things are done (as opposed to how perhaps they should be done), but I personally feel that any team relgated should get nothing as their reward. They should be more prudent during the time that they have got large guaranteed income. Just because a team is in the PL, it doesn't give them the right to overspend whilst at the same time protecting them from their actions.


                            • #15
                              WBA are a prime example of the uneven playing field regards parachute payments, up and down like yo yo's but able to hang on to most of their better players and corner the transfer market, not good enough to stay up but bcos of parachute payments able to outbid most championship clubs.
                              Totaly unfair system.
                              They seek him here.................

