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Platinum Evening

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  • #76
    Thank you so much W12 for taking the time to post about last night. I'm pleased we've got Neil Warnock at the helm and get a feeling next season could be very interesting

    I am however going to be negative about one thing. And that's that I feel it wrong the club having these platinum evenings when every QPR fan (esp season ticket holders) should get the chance to attend such an event. The club will say that platinum seat holders have paid their way and are deserving of such an event but imho one person's £1,000 is another person's £10, and if QPr supporters have forked out in advance and given the club their hard earned wonga via season ticket monies, then regardless of whether you've paid £100 or £1,000, they should all be offered that chance.

    Anyway, sermon over, and thanks again w12.


    • #77
      great read W12

      but as they say..............lets wait & see


      • #78
        Originally posted by Tracy View Post
        Thank you so much W12 for taking the time to post about last night. I'm pleased we've got Neil Warnock at the helm and get a feeling next season could be very interesting

        I am however going to be negative about one thing. And that's that I feel it wrong the club having these platinum evenings when every QPR fan (esp season ticket holders) should get the chance to attend such an event. The club will say that platinum seat holders have paid their way and are deserving of such an event but imho one person's £1,000 is another person's £10, and if QPr supporters have forked out in advance and given the club their hard earned wonga via season ticket monies, then regardless of whether you've paid £100 or £1,000, they should all be offered that chance.

        Anyway, sermon over, and thanks again w12.
        Tracy the Platinum Evening is a hangover from the Briatore/Paladini/Russell era. From my own personal point of view I hope they keep it, another alternative would be to use Loyalty Points for these sort of evenings instead.


        • #79
          Great report W12! Glad to hear of positive vibes coming from within the club for a change!


          • #80
            Originally posted by W12_Ranger View Post
            An interesting point about booing actually came from Faurlin who said in Argentina players get booed every week by their own fans and by comparison we are no where near that bad.
            Thats quite interesting.
            Good news on Taarabt, looks positive !!
            Under Les Ferdinand:
            Luke Freeman, top assists in the league: 4million
            Alex Smithies, great goalie for this club: 3,5million
            Charlie Austin, 19 Premier League goals: 4million
            Jack Robinson: Contract ran out, left for free
            And many more mistakes



            • #81
              Originally posted by W12_Ranger View Post
              I haven't mentioned this either yet as I didn't want to detract from the positivity surrounding the evening though I think it is positive. Only my opinion off course but I get the impression Paladini is well and true-ly in the background now.

              At last years Platters Evening GP was lurking at the back of the room but he was no where to be seen last night. NW & MJ even managed to crack a couple of tongue in cheek jokes at his expense.

              Prior to last nights forum I had doubts over our promotion credentials next season but waking up this morning I am left with no doubt NW is the right man for the job and can take us up next year. This club is going to be run like a proper football club for the first time in very long time. The scouting and youth policy is high on the agenda and the NW. MJ & KC have the full support of the board. NW made a quip about going to Amit and asking him for 3 things (in a financial sense I guess), Amit gave him everything he asked for only for NW to return to him a few days later and say 'you've given me too much'.

              NW praised The Mittals on the work they do for the community and couldn't speak more highly enough of their work, but did underline that in football terms they are naive and learning and with his team in place all parties will greatly benefit from the relationship. It sounded like NW is very excited about his relationship with The Mittals and talked about trust and honesty shared which was great to hear.

              All I know is NW certainly won me over last night as the man to take this club forward.

              The bit about GP being off the pot is fantastic news (if true). Hopefully, they will take it to its logical conclusion and we can see him removed from any position on the board. This would instantly unite two divided sections of the support and restore faith from the GP doubters that he can not meddle in a negative fashion.
              Happy Days..


              • #82
                Originally posted by W12_Ranger View Post
                Get over it the pair of you, it has happened, its in the past and doubt it will happen again under NW.

                Maybe I should delete the comment as the pair of you seem to be detracting from the positivity of the evening.
                Well it was you that brought it up in the first place, or your Dads mate or whoever it was. It was indeed a good positive evening - thanks for writing it up.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by W12_Ranger View Post
                  This club is going to be run like a proper football club for the first time in very long time.
                  NW praised The Mittals on the work they do for the community and couldn't speak more highly enough of their work, but did underline that in football terms they are naive and learning and with his team in place all parties will greatly benefit from the relationship. It sounded like NW is very excited about his relationship with The Mittals and talked about trust and honesty shared which was great to hear.
                  All I know is NW certainly won me over last night as the man to take this club forward.
                  That is very good to hear, particularly the first sentence there.

