big test for the team and NW,2 VERY hard games,and personally would be delighted with 3 points in total from both.Reading are on fire at the moment,especially at home,while we all know what to expect from Swansea next saturday,a very tight game,with probably 1 goal to settle it.I think we will have a fair idea on how good we are after these two games.6 points and we are practically safe and will still have an outside chance of the play offs,0-1 point and we are back in the relagation mire again,so very big games for us.I would grab a draw if offered it for tomorrow night.
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next 2 games
Originally posted by matthew View Postbig test for the team and NW,2 VERY hard games,and personally would be delighted with 3 points in total from both.Reading are on fire at the moment,especially at home,while we all know what to expect from Swansea next saturday,a very tight game,with probably 1 goal to settle it.I think we will have a fair idea on how good we are after these two games.6 points and we are practically safe and will still have an outside chance of the play offs,0-1 point and we are back in the relagation mire again,so very big games for us.I would grab a draw if offered it for tomorrow night.Queens Park RangersNPower Champions 2010/2011
PREMIER LEAGUE 2011 - ETERNITY (Oh well got that wrong, we'll be back though)