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Gianni not a bad scout afterall

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  • #31
    Originally posted by W12_Ranger View Post
    Care to expand on that response, I don't follow?
    Conners said he was a good scout, GP was DoF. Surely the scout gives their verdict about players to the manager after going to watch him because he has been sent by the manager to watch him. Do you honestly think the manager told paladini who he wanted and GP went and watched him? As has been mentioned before agents call GP up all the time offering players, this means that paladini is offering the player to the manager (or in some cases doing the deal aswell (apparently) ). As it has been said GP did not properly scout faurlin, he just watched him once after he was recommended to him. Faurlin got sent off. Are you telling me that if you watch a player ONCE and he gets sent off you are going to buy him? Gp should not have chose players, obviously did not always listen to the manager and recommended/bought players for him. I thought the scouts job was to recommend players after being sent to watch a match, not for the DoF to get a phone call from an agent telling him a player is good (and in faurlins case watching him once and the player getting sent off).


    • #32
      Originally posted by qpr-buzsaky View Post
      Conners said he was a good scout, GP was DoF. Surely the scout gives their verdict about players to the manager after going to watch him because he has been sent by the manager to watch him. Do you honestly think the manager told paladini who he wanted and GP went and watched him? As has been mentioned before agents call GP up all the time offering players, this means that paladini is offering the player to the manager (or in some cases doing the deal aswell (apparently) ). As it has been said GP did not properly scout faurlin, he just watched him once after he was recommended to him. Faurlin got sent off. Are you telling me that if you watch a player ONCE and he gets sent off you are going to buy him? Gp should not have chose players, obviously did not always listen to the manager and recommended/bought players for him. I thought the scouts job was to recommend players after being sent to watch a match, not for the DoF to get a phone call from an agent telling him a player is good (and in faurlins case watching him once and the player getting sent off).

      I'm telling you nothing mate, I totally agree with you. Conners is clearly looking to wind everyone up as its the only explanation I can give for him talking total b.ollox.


      • #33
        Originally posted by W12_Ranger View Post
        I'm telling you nothing mate, I totally agree with you. Conners is clearly looking to wind everyone up and explanation I can give for him talking total b.ollox.
        I wasnt directing that at you, that was to everyone who thinks GP is a "scout" he is a nice guy but he isnt a dof or scout.


        • #34
          Originally posted by qpr-buzsaky View Post
          Conners said he was a good scout, GP was DoF. Surely the scout gives their verdict about players to the manager after going to watch him because he has been sent by the manager to watch him. Do you honestly think the manager told paladini who he wanted and GP went and watched him? As has been mentioned before agents call GP up all the time offering players, this means that paladini is offering the player to the manager (or in some cases doing the deal aswell (apparently) ). As it has been said GP did not properly scout faurlin, he just watched him once after he was recommended to him. Faurlin got sent off. Are you telling me that if you watch a player ONCE and he gets sent off you are going to buy him? Gp should not have chose players, obviously did not always listen to the manager and recommended/bought players for him. I thought the scouts job was to recommend players after being sent to watch a match, not for the DoF to get a phone call from an agent telling him a player is good (and in faurlins case watching him once and the player getting sent off).
          Good points qpr-buzsaky, but essentially the whole debate is a moot one because since when has GP been a qualified scout anyway? (RE my above question). I suspect W12ranger is right in saying that the minimum qualification would be an FA coaching badge.


          • #35
            Originally posted by qpr-buzsaky View Post
            I wasnt directing that at you, that was to everyone who thinks GP is a "scout" he is a nice guy but he isnt a dof or scout.
            The DOF role was given to him by FB


            • #36
              Originally posted by HA9 RANGER View Post
              The DOF role was given to him by FB
              LOL! Nuff said


              • #37
                Originally posted by HA9 RANGER View Post
                The DOF role was given to him by FB
                Off which he didn't have to except.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by HA9 RANGER View Post
                  The DOF role was given to him by FB
                  Out of interest, what does a DoF do? Surely he doesnt recommend players to the manager?


                  • #39
                    What about all the fuss at the time about Faurlin though. iirc we were told by itk's on here that JM +JG had watched and scouted him and therefore it was proof that the manager made all decisions. Now we are being told GP actually found him scouted + signed him but being a good chap he will let them take credit for it. This board drives me mad sometimes with so many contradictions (sits shaking head)
                    God I miss cooke's pie & mash


                    • #40
                      the posts will be in the archive, "nothing to do with Gp, Gorman and Magilton had been tracking Fuarlin etc etc"

                      so either bull**** then or bull**** now but deffo some BS

                      at the end of the day whats done is done and I am not particularly interested in digging it up again but neither will I let a re writing of history by others pass without comment
                      its New Era number 8 i tell thee, bring on the fireworks

