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  • EDL

    Totally getting off the Warnock topic tonight but I was told that there was EDL protest planned at the Riverside last Saturday before the QPR which I thought would be abit strange seeing that we are pretty multi-cultral.

    Seeing that there were no reports on here etc, I presume there weren't. I just had a look at some clips on youtube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0CZn...eature=related - from EDL in Stoke in Jan and to be honest, I felt sick. I know this went on but to think it could creep into football, I don't want anything like that happening. They are demostrating all over UK ie. Swansea, Glasgow and obviously the small town in the North.

    Being from London, I'm glad I don't have the narrow minded views of some of these people who obviously don't mix or interact with any other race about from their own. There are bad people in all races and reglions. It seems like EDL and BNP combining together.

    I was wondering if anyone heard about it too or what their thoughts about the group were??

    Btw not trying to be too serious with this topic either!!

  • #2
    heard rangers had a big firm up there


    • #3
      Didn't see any EDL demo, did see a rather large group of our finest mobbing up after the game.


      • #4
        Originally posted by DonNW6 View Post
        Totally getting off the Warnock topic tonight but I was told that there was EDL protest planned at the Riverside last Saturday before the QPR which I thought would be abit strange seeing that we are pretty multi-cultral.

        Seeing that there were no reports on here etc, I presume there weren't. I just had a look at some clips on youtube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0CZn...eature=related - from EDL in Stoke in Jan and to be honest, I felt sick. I know this went on but to think it could creep into football, I don't want anything like that happening. They are demostrating all over UK ie. Swansea, Glasgow and obviously the small town in the North.

        Being from London, I'm glad I don't have the narrow minded views of some of these people who obviously don't mix or interact with any other race about from their own. There are bad people in all races and reglions. It seems like EDL and BNP combining together.

        I was wondering if anyone heard about it too or what their thoughts about the group were??

        Btw not trying to be too serious with this topic either!!
        Never heard of them before but having watched some clips on you tube pretty scary and obviously aiming at football fans. Whatever your political opinions are and we are all entitled to our own, these guys just remind me of the bad old days of nasty nazi thuggish behaviour which i thought had left us behind many years ago. hows that going to achieve anything. Hopefully we will never see anything like this at LR.
        The future's Amit the futures not orange

