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If Warnock Gets The Job !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • #46
    herts hoop

    Still not 100%


    • #47
      As long as the manager calls ALL the shots on the footballing side of the club,including transfers in and out,then I have no problem with GP staying-nice bloke and all that,but he was out of his depth as Director of Football.


      • #48
        Much Apreciated Pete


        • #49
          Originally posted by rblockells View Post
          As long as the manager calls ALL the shots on the footballing side of the club,including transfers in and out,then I have no problem with GP staying-nice bloke and all that,but he was out of his depth as Director of Football.
          My thoughts too, although I can't say I know for sure he's a ice bloke. Met him a couple of times but never really chatted. I do feel the reports of him being a crook are harsh though.
          Your mum would love me...


          • #50
            Originally posted by qblockpete View Post
            GL I'll shake the hands of any QPR fan.

            We all support the same club, just have different opinions

            Thats all.

            next time im at smuts ill say hello then might even get a round in if your lucky

            is that MYU able to drink yet he didnt come up to ure waist pete?

            #QPRJunglists #QPRPartybusmassive @epn1882chalet QPR - JUNGLE - DnB - Westside Hounslow


            • #51
              im in there alot GPN id get any qpr fan a drink mate


              • #52
                Originally posted by qblockpete View Post
                You wanna bet I do a mean mash potato

                Terry Ball, its not what I see that he has done right, that question is for the QPR superiors who have returned his title of chairman. It probably does hurt and with the immenent arrival of Warnock guess its going to be difficult to find ammunition to fire at him.

                Terry Ball> I suspect the invisible auditors found nothing??

                When the story was copied and pasted by w12 from another site, you closed the thread down. Now you want to discuss it. Same as Myu the other day with the 30k rumour, tried to dig that back up after closing a thread about it weeks earlier.

                Either you want to discuss these rumours or you don't.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by herts hoop View Post
                  im in there alot GPN id get any qpr fan a drink mate
                  HERTS you can buy me and pete a pint and MYU a orange juice by the looks of it

                  #QPRJunglists #QPRPartybusmassive @epn1882chalet QPR - JUNGLE - DnB - Westside Hounslow


                  • #54
                    Personally I don't mind talking about.

                    problem is it needs to be factual and concrete, it cannOT be hearsay
                    THE WEST LONDON 90 MINUTE FOOTBALL SHOW EVERY MONDAY FROM 9.30PM http://mixlr.com/the90mfs/


                    • #55
                      Right o mate


                      • #56
                        Aww, bless ickle Myu...don't you just anna hug the life out of him?
                        Your mum would love me...


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by qblockpete View Post
                          Will all the anti Gianni protestors just stop harping on and on and on.

                          Does anyone really think a mannager like Warnock will be influenced by anyone else even suggesting what players to bring in or giving any input?

                          Because I have to say if Warnock does take charge you are going to be left with very little ammuntion
                          I doubt the fanbase will ever be united while GP is around. Too much water under the bridge.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Mutley View Post
                            I doubt the fanbase will ever be united while GP is around. Too much water under the bridge.
                            That is more factually correct mate................it never ever has been 100% united, pre GP/Flabby etc there were plenty of dissenters to just about anything and everything that has occurred during my 40+ years and so it will continue for the next 40+ and that is a Factamundo


                            • #59
                              Just so other posters can see that i'm not making stuff up about invisible auditors, this is where the story originated from, a poster on reports site called awlrightmush.

                              If you cant be bothered to read the whole thread, the auditor piece is highlighted towards the bottom

                              I hope the mods have the decency to leave this up

                              Paladini buys a large share in club for £650k, which he obtains through a mortgage. He was previously a bankrupt, meaning today he would fail a fit and proper persons test.

                              He never played proffessional football, yet he trys to convince people he did.

                              The latest breaking UK, US, world, business and sport news from The Times and The Sunday Times. Go beyond today's headlines with in-depth analysis and comment.

                              the last paragraph says it all really. Funny that even then the man was up to his neck in crooked accusations. Accusations that have and never will go away.

                              He owned a restaurant in the midlands that went bust, during this time he helped by being a waiter. He now says its racism calling him a waiter. What is it when you call QPR fans all idiots, under oath in court?

                              Ok the court case...pointless going through it all really, im sure the link to traceys transcript is still around, [QPR Report Edit: Tracy's Trial Report - http://www.alfretontownfc.com/qprcourttrial.pdf ] as are the press reports. so the real basics...paladini accuses that a gang of armed men burst into the boardroom and force him to resign..opinions about the reality of that are now pointless because history will show... all the accused were unconditionally found not guilty, no guns were ever found, despite intensive searches by the police. Gianni Paladini was accused of telling over 70 lies in court under oath, he was ridiculed by a QC and was intimated to be a Billy Liar character within the media.
                              Only one person came away from the trial in disgrace, but instead of being banned from the ground he carried on regardless. Paladinis followers always like to bring the court case up, scott jones has even suggested the police got it wrong, the jury, the judge etc...yet when really pushed about the trial and hit with facts they soon shut up. Why ? because their man was so unreliable he was a laughing stock, nearly every lie under oath was shot down by the defence, he was a broken witness, a broken sad man, who to be fair did well to bounce back in any capacity.

                              WATRBS. a group of fans some within the media, gathered together to form a sort of militia for GP. Its what happens in Italy, a group of fans protect and drum up support for their man. in return he looks after them, free tickets, info, drinks, business help etc....now is that whats happening at QPR ? after all who had ever heard of these people before the court case ? who saw them at grounds up and down the country in the 70s 80s and 90s ? not me, and according to nearly all fans sites including their own, very few did.

                              Every time someone accuses GP of any inpropriety including the press, they gather together and try to trash all the accusers, one recently even libeled himself trying to blame Mark Devlin for the clubs debts and assorted troubles. Where did this come from ? surely a local councillor has more important work than to criticise someone he knows nothing about? indeed the lies are still on view on that site, they are libelous trash yet despite the councillors retraction watrbs continue to insinuate. Why ? why would you defend a known liar ?

                              Pete this week alone has said, paladini is in charge of team affairs, players, signings contracts etc
                              Yet in the same week he says briatore does the hiring and firing and paladini has no say in who comes and goes...its not what Paul Hart said.
                              Pete asks where is the evidence paladini was an agent;

                              http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/footbal....sts-agent. html

                              so okay there it is.

                              Now there are "Accusations" this week that paladini is creaming £30k off of every single player deal.. now if true thats a lot of dough. So is it true? I guess until its proven in writing we have to make our own minds up. Most clubs pay a signing on fee, the agent is paid through the player, £30k is about the going rate for a one off agents payment in the low profile deals, and those of youth players and pay in installment deals (this from a Eufa agent friend)...so who to believe, a web site poster from watrbs, an anti paladini man or paladini and his followers (remember the lies under oath) ?
                              The sackings have been ridiculous, as have the supporters who were picked out on CCTV and warned off. Those that were approached by hired thugs outside the ground and warned to stay away. I witnessed one incident in the blue and white club one saturday, where the police had to intervene and they ended up nicking the thugs. other long term rangers fans had threatening phone calls that were traced back to the phones at loftus Road. Now was this down to GP ? I really dont know, but he was the chairman, the man in charge, the man who ultimately made the decisions.

                              He made the decision to sue supporters, to threaten Dave Thomas with legal action for a Kick up the Rs arcticle. Then when dave refused to back down, what ? exactly... nothing.? the same when he threatened to sue the Evening Standard....still waiting Gianni.

                              The take over... im sorry nobody believes you, we would not have gone belly up, david davies said that previously (even before Paladini threatened to shoot him...oops with what ? a Gun ? )

                              truth is there were other offers on the table, even GP admitted that, its just that they would nt gaurantee him employment, i mean who would ? Oh yeah his Italian friend Briatore, the man that thought he was buying a bistro (nice work Gianni) maybe he thought GP wanted a job as a waiter ? who knows ? i mean he put a restaurant in did nt he.

                              So are we sailing in safe waters? as GP would say.

                              I E Mailed a top sports reporter yesterday and he said if Briatore walked away tommorrow, rangers would be relegated 5 divisions, and was that what we really wanted?

                              5 divisions ? ****** hell, some safe sailing...so why would that happen then ? Can only mean the debts have never been paid, that we are running at a continual loss, that we are being completely mis managed, that those in charge are simply playing games, that money is going missing ? i dont know, im not a businessman but it all smells a bit fishy to me.

                              Then yesterday we had pete saying paladini is about to sign a 3 year contract, then a few hours later said hes leaving in 18 months...not another pay off? 18 months paid up ? surely not ?

                              How can a club in so much financial mess stand paladini an interest free loan for a £140k ?

                              Who the hell will take the responsibility for bringing Briatore in ? if this press guy is correct, and he assures me this is a fact, serious questions need to be asked, dont you think ?

                              A few days before paul hart was sacked apparently a team of auditors visited loftus road and harlington. at the same time Gp lost it outside the ground in front of fans, screaming about being hated etc.. a man under pressure ? i dont know about loftus road, well i do but cant prove it, harlington though, i wasx told by a player that the auditors had been in and were with a "white faced GP" (the players name? absolutely no chance, no one would).

                              i read that we may have Americans interested in buying Briatore out ? so maybe the auditors are to do with that ? maybe Briatore just wants to see how much money hes losing and more importantly where its going ?
                              so okay truths is where we started... most people will make their own minds up,m and of course my post is only touching the surface, maybe some others can fill in the rest of the Paladini history ?

                              so as finney says somewhere above those that back GP, its time to put the truth up or shut up. it will of course be difficult for you,as your man is a known fabricator, but give it a go.

                              Finally one thing "If Briatore leaves QPR will be relegated 5 divisions" WHY WHY WHY luton were relegated one plus a 30 point deduction, but that was mainly for having done crooked deals...5 divisions, ****** hell thats some drop, what the hell could they have on us ?



                              • #60
                                Originally posted by qblockpete View Post
                                Personally I don't mind talking about.

                                problem is it needs to be factual and concrete, it cannOT be hearsay

                                :laughter::laughter::laughter::laughter::laughter: :laughter::laughter::laughter::laughter::laughter: :laughter::laughter::laughter::laughter::laughter: :laughter::laughter::laughter::laughter::laughter: :laughter::laughter::laughter::laughter::laughter: :laughter::laughter::laughter::laughter::laughter: :laughter::laughter::laughter:

