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Just Back on the Island... PLEASE READ!

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Scarlet pimple View Post
    Yes ignore the digs sm, many of us are just fans with no political agenda, just the welfare of our great club at heart, and we by far outnumber the one's with there political agenders.:cheers:
    Thanks Scarlet.

    I am of the same feeling as you, and hopefully you will find it an interesting read


    • #62
      Good post SM glad you enjoyed your day.
      I don't think people are putting you down for your opinion on GP, but he has got a lot of work to do before he gets everybody on side.A lot has happened at our club over the last few years and there are a lot of bridges to be rebuilt. Hopefully your meeting yesterday will help and if you get your Q&A meeting a lot more might change their minds.I'm not convinced at the moment,and will wait and see what happens over the coming weeks.People will only tell you what they want you to know. Look forward to reading your future post.


      • #63
        Originally posted by NewarkR View Post
        So, playing devil's advocate, as there's so many people of the 'no smoke without fire' persuasion on this board, why did he leg it?
        We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are...


        • #64
          Originally posted by Scarlet pimple View Post
          Yes ignore the digs sm, many of us are just fans with no political agenda, just the welfare of our great club at heart, and we by far outnumber the one's with there political agenders.:cheers:
          here here
          I have supported Rangers for 55 seasons, since March 1969.


          • #65
            Top,top read SM. I have not always been Giannis biggest fan but your post has renewed my flagging optimism that QPR can and will return to former glories and we will at last get our great club back!

            The Bread Mans Blue and White Army


            • #66
              Originally posted by hermitage10 View Post
              Amazing read, i felt the stick Paladini got was over the top and this reinforces that for me but also shows he does truly love the club but more importantly the players and the club love him


              • #67
                Originally posted by qblockpete View Post

                Well done, very detailed.

                You will not change anyone's opinion and you need to take the criticism on the chin. Least of all try and not respond because it can get twisted and before you know it, you are defending someone when the sole intention was to provide an opinion

                Each supporter has an opinion, its very much like a Political Party. Some will try and find a slant on things, really don't worry about that.

                Its how you feel thats important.
                ha ha, sounds like a 'i have a friend who has this problem...' tale. nice one QBP!

                as for sm's report of his time with GP (which i asume you meant as that is the subject of the thread) being detailed... er, sorry? sounds like sm sat there like a starstruck schoolboy and lapped up GP's schpiel, salesman and throughly charming egg that he is. this not a dig at sm... he's young and not an agitator like some, but please... details? i don't think so.

                the spin goes on. i have to say, gp sure ain't no fool. he's done a good job on a prolific internet poster who was bound to go back with gushing praise for GP, and all the gullible folk out there just rush on board.


                • #68
                  Great to hear that GP made your day so special, Saffa.
                  If Gianni has no more influence over the transferring in/out of players, and that role will become once again part and parcel of the manager's job, then I'm more than happy to see GP remain at the club in another capacity.
                  Quite a while back, I mentioned I'd briefly met Gianni a couple of times, first being at PYO do during Holloway's reign as manager. He is a very nice bloke to talk to, puts you at your ease instantly, and does speak passionately about the Rangers, but the DOF role was absolutely disastrous, not only for the club, but I'd suggest it damaged his credibility enormously. Anyway, I'm glad for both him, and the club, that Flabio has been marginalised, that the Mittals have taken over control, and look forward to seeing some sense of normality return to our club.
                  By the way,
                  good report on yesterday's game, as ever. :cheers:


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by baille funk View Post
                    the spin goes on. i have to say, gp sure ain't no fool. he's done a good job on a prolific internet poster who was bound to go back with gushing praise for GP, and all the gullible folk out there just rush on board.
                    You mean gullible folk like Lakshmi Mittal - the richest guy in the country and one of the most successful businessmen in the world.

                    Have you considered you just "might" be the gullible one for believing all the anti-paladini stories put out there from people with their own agenda.


                    • #70
                      Good read sm, glad you had a good day pal.
                      Cant believe it, ive been PWOPER MUGGED ORF...


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by ChelmsfordRs View Post
                        You mean gullible folk like Lakshmi Mittal - the richest guy in the country and one of the most successful businessmen in the world.

                        Have you considered you just "might" be the gullible one for believing all the anti-paladini stories put out there from people with their own agenda.
                        i think he meant this board matey.
                        gullible people like you.


                        • #72
                          Top stuff Saffa.
                          I'm just back online after 3 days off, not sure if anything has happened while I was away?

                          Anyway, a great read.... And I've nothing more to say, that hasn't been added already. :cheers:
                          Final Version - Hope you like it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1z0UQ0eqRM

                          Follow Me On Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/QPRGoddard


                          • #73
                            If I was a player and GP had give me a 4yr contract on £10,000 a week I would love him. :laughter:


                            • #74
                              Excellent post SM.

                              Nice to hear you enjoyed the day and came away feeling positive.

                              As Pete and the majority of others have already said, what matters is what your opinion of him, his role and what his relationship with the players and the staff is.

                              I have never spoken to him personally and as discussed with our friend across the pond many months back, not personally privy to exactly what his role/resposibilities have been since the takeover, nor the restrictions placed upon him or the parameters in which he had to perform his duties. Therefore, because of this, it would not be wise on my part to either praise or criticise him, not knowing exactly what he has been asked to do.

                              Furthermore, you will no doubt have noticed that those who have chosen to be uncharitable towards you with their remarks and comments, are the same tiresome people who have had nothing positive to say about GP at best and downright rude/abusive/unpleasant at worst. These people, do not forget, in all probability know no more or less than anybody else, but choose to persist with their claims in the belief that it is their opinion that is correct. And in the event that this is the case, sadly for them they continue to make complete fools of themselves when putting their own spin on events in order to justify their own position and beliefs.

                              The thing is SM, unlike these fonts of all knowledge, you DO actually go to nearly EVERY game despite where you live. I have to laugh when I see their comments made on here at a time when a game is on.

                              But possibly most importantly of all, it is YOU who actually arranged this yourself, took part in it, and have made further plans to see it through. Your critics however, have done nothing other than completely show themselves up for the fickle band of lightweights that they are. If they cared anywhere near as much as you about our great club and were as unhappy about the recent goings on as they claim to be, then if they had any balls whatsoever, they would have gone to similar lengths to you and we could all have sat back and read their own factual accounts of their attempts to discover what has been going on or is likely to in future. It may well have had a different angle to your understanding, but until such time as one of them has the guts to do what you have, and I believe that you are much younger than the majority of them, I know whose opinions I am more likely to side with.

                              Thanks once again for a superb read, I for one commend you.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by brightonr View Post
                                Excellent post SM.

                                Nice to hear you enjoyed the day and came away feeling positive.

                                As Pete and the majority of others have already said, what matters is what your opinion of him, his role and what his relationship with the players and the staff is.

                                I have never spoken to him personally and as discussed with our friend across the pond many months back, not personally privy to exactly what his role/resposibilities have been since the takeover, nor the restrictions placed upon him or the parameters in which he had to perform his duties. Therefore, because of this, it would not be wise on my part to either praise or criticise him, not knowing exactly what he has been asked to do.

                                Furthermore, you will no doubt have noticed that those who have chosen to be uncharitable towards you with their remarks and comments, are the same tiresome people who have had nothing positive to say about GP at best and downright rude/abusive/unpleasant at worst. These people, do not forget, in all probability know no more or less than anybody else, but choose to persist with their claims in the belief that it is their opinion that is correct. And in the event that this is the case, sadly for them they continue to make complete fools of themselves when putting their own spin on events in order to justify their own position and beliefs.

                                The thing is SM, unlike these fonts of all knowledge, you DO actually go to nearly EVERY game despite where you live. I have to laugh when I see their comments made on here at a time when a game is on.

                                But possibly most importantly of all, it is YOU who actually arranged this yourself, took part in it, and have made further plans to see it through. Your critics however, have done nothing other than completely show themselves up for the fickle band of lightweights that they are. If they cared anywhere near as much as you about our great club and were as unhappy about the recent goings on as they claim to be, then if they had any balls whatsoever, they would have gone to similar lengths to you and we could all have sat back and read their own factual accounts of their attempts to discover what has been going on or is likely to in future. It may well have had a different angle to your understanding, but until such time as one of them has the guts to do what you have, and I believe that you are much younger than the majority of them, I know whose opinions I am more likely to side with.

                                Thanks once again for a superb read, I for one commend you.
                                Post of the year so far...
                                We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are...

