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Just Back on the Island... PLEASE READ!

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  • Just Back on the Island... PLEASE READ!

    I know in the last couple of reports I have said that I was speechless and not knowing where to start… today has given me that same feeling one million times over! This time it was for all the right reasons though, and my optimism about our club has absolutely rocketed through the roof! Today I had a fascinating insight into things behind the scenes at Loftus Road, and I will try my very best to put across exactly things as I witnessed them. If I can depict even 10% of what I was privileged with today… Well I promise that ALL fans will be feeling just as excited as I am for the future of our football club.

    Firstly I’ll start with what actually happened ON the field, and I’ll reflect on our first win in what seems like an eternity.

    The starting line up did spring one notable surprise… a full league debut for Antonio German, who was partnered with Jay Simpson. The rest of the squad consisted of the same line up as Coventry. Ikeme in goal, with a defence of Hill, Gorkss, Stewart and Ramage. In midfield we had Cook, Faurlin, Connolly and Buzsaky on the wide right.

    Before the game kicked off, you could almost sense the delight of the home fans… It’s been a while since people weren’t singing anti-boardroom songs, and plenty of fans joined in proudly singing that “We got our Ranger’s back!” It might sound a bit OTT, but just the thought of people now singing that kind of chant was a big step in the right direction for me. It certainly lifted that doom and gloom that has hung over Loftus Road at the start of games over the last few weeks.

    As the game kicked off, Doncaster confirmed what we already knew about them - they are an excellent footballing side. They didn’t by any means look the better side, but they were stringing some nice passing moves together through midfield and showed that they would be no pushovers. We had the first chance of the game though, and after picking up possession in the middle of the pitch Faurlin sprayed the ball out to Buzsaky on the wide right. After throwing in a couple of stepovers he unleashed a drive from around 25 yards out, but unfortunately it flew wide of the post.

    Next up Doncaster came close to taking the lead. The left winger managed to get to the by-line and cut in past Ramage… it looked as if he would square to the unmarked Billy Sharp in the box – although Ramage had other ideas and he expertly hooked the ball round the player and out for a corner kick. The corner was taken quickly, and after playing it short it eventually fell to one of their players who lashed the ball at goal from around 8 yards out… it took a wicked deflection off one of our defenders and flicked just wide of the post for another corner kick. Ikeme looked well beaten, and this deflection could have gone anywhere – although after Coventry last week I think we merited some good fortune!!

    I spoke last week of the gaps down the left hand side, and that was again the weakness as the right winger broke behind Hill and Cook. After drilling the ball into the box, it seemed to flick up off of Stewart and leave the oncoming Donny player with just the keeper to beat – but he fluffed his shot well over the crossbar and out for a goal kick. I have mentioned in recent weeks about the frustration of our home fans… but refreshingly the only noise that could be heard was shouts of encouragement and support. “Come on Rangers!” was the chant after this latest close shave.

    Shortly after, we got the goal which really did send the home fans into a frenzy. The attack actually started down the right hand side, and after picking up possession in the middle of the field, Faurlin sprayed the ball wide to Cook. With Hill bombing down the left, Cook spun the marker on the spot and delivered a great curling cross into the box… Simpson managed to get his head on it from what looked about 4 yards out, but it went straight into Sullivan who scrambled across his goal line – fortunately our debutant was on hand to prod the ball into the open net and give us a 1-0 lead.

    As we wildly celebrated the goal, it wasn’t soon after that “German, there’s only one German!” was blasting out from what felt like all areas of the ground… he must have felt 10 foot tall.

    I was fairly happy with the atmosphere before, but now it really picked up… it was almost as if the fans now believed that we may actually get that illusive win that has plagued us recently. A whole flurry of chants came out at this stage, and it was great to be a part of it. The confidence which has been severely lacking recently suddenly returned, and where the players have almost been playing hot-potato with the ball recently… now they couldn’t have seemed more keen to actually keep hold of it.

    Sure enough we had another opportunity shortly after. This time after a poor goal kick from Sullivan, the ball eventually fell to Cook with one defender to beat… with both German, Buzsaky and Simpson all running off him… Cook managed to feint past his marker and unleash a shot at goal that flew wide of the post. In truth he probably should have passed, but when was the last time that we can actually say we were having these kinds of opportunities!? Again, there was no stick coming from any quarter of the ground, and the fans continued to sing and get behind those eleven players on the pitch.

    There was now around 40 odd minutes on the clock… and we were really starting to pile the pressure on. It looked as if Gorkss had given us a 2-0 lead almost right on the brink of half time. As touched on, it was now all QPR… and we were awarded a corner after Hill had attempted to put in a cross, which ended up with a mix up between a defender and Sullivan in the Donny goal. Cook drifted the ball into the box, and Gorkss rose above everyone to crash his header goal wards… Most people were up out of their chairs, but Sullivan managed to somehow push the ball out… and following another goal line scrap it was eventually booted clear.

    Shortly after the referee blew time on the first half, and the players were applauded off the pitch.

    On the whole it was a very encouraging first half performance, and a mammoth improvement on ANY game that we have played recently. We were actually playing some really good football, and had a couple more things gone our way we could have been 2/3 goals up at half time.

    As the second half kicked off, neither manager decided to make any changes. We started the half just as we ended the first – on the front foot. I think we have all been begging for Faurlin to get a goal, and again he came within inches of doing it. He picked the ball up around 25 yards out, and as the Donny defence seemed to back off he was urged to shoot… and that’s just what he did. Unfortunately his curling shot just went wide of the right hand post with Sullivan desperately diving down to cover the post.

    I haven’t mentioned it above, but German was really starting to excite and impress everyone. He flipped the saying of “man vs boy” right on its head, and was a colossus in the air… I can’t think of a header that he actually lost out on. I will summarize him fully at the end, but that aerial threat he was posing was further demonstrated when he ever so nearly doubled his tally. It was again a Cook corner which posed the threat, and after flying through the air German could only manage to angle his header over the crossbar for a goal kick. It was a cracking opportunity, but you just couldn’t fault him – he was running his socks off!

    There was around 50 minutes on the clock, and it looked as if there would be only one outcome… But in typical Rangers luck we then conceded a goal. The neat one touch football that Doncaster displayed in the first half was now replaced with a much more direct approach, and after picking the ball up on the right hand side… Sharp squared the ball past Gorkss, and Hayter made no mistake in rolling the ball past Ikeme. 1-1. It really was a hammer blow to us, and after playing so well you couldn’t help but wander what it would do for the player’s confidence.

    Again though, I go back to the fans… Despite obvious frustration at the loss of another potential clean sheet, they did nothing but back the side. I do wish that the same could have been said about our support for the whole season so far, but credit where it’s due – they were fully behind them now.

    Thankfully, we were straight back on the attack straight after conceding. Cook picked up the ball on the left hand side, and after beating one player it looked as if he had lost possession to the outstretched leg of a defender… Somehow though he managed to pull it back through his legs and continued down the wing. He smashed a cracking cross right across the goalmouth… frustratingly it evaded both Simpson and German and was eventually picked up on the opposite side of the pitch by the Donny left back. Had it found any of our players they would have been left literally with an open goal to tuck the ball into.

    The atmosphere was building though, and Connolly nearly gave us another ‘magical’ moment to remember shortly after. We had been awarded a corner kick, and after seeing it headed clear… the ball eventually fell to Connolly who was just inside the box. It looked as if he would shoot first time, and as the defender threw his body at him… Connolly cheekily flicked the ball up with his right foot and volleyed it at goal with his left. It took another heavy deflection though, and went out for a corner kick. It would have been some goal, and was yet more proof of what an exceptional footballer he is.

    Next up… a streaker! I won’t focus on it too much, but a man in what looked like a red thong paraded around the pitch and ran riot. He tricked his way past a few stewards before being crushed into the floor, and an army of orange coats dive all over him. After being taken off chants of “We want our streaker back” “Streaker, there’s only one streaker” “Sign him up!” and “Let’s all take our clothes off!” started up which we had a good laugh about.

    Back onto the game, and more importantly back into the lead. After a long ball up field from Gorkss, it was expertly cushioned down by German and out to Buzsaky. With Simpson making a run off his marker, Akos delicately dinked the ball through to Simpson… he took one touch to control the ball, looked up and hammered the ball into the bottom corner. The buzz of seeing that bull smash into the net was just mind-blowing! He came right down and celebrated in front of the corner we were located. I noticed that plenty of players also celebrated WITH us, and that bond between players and fans was (for a short time at least) back.

    I have spoken about the atmosphere today, but now it was back at that Loftus Road peak… and how I’ve missed that roar from the home supporters, and it didn’t let up until the final whistle.

    It must have been around the 89th minute when we had our next real chance. Simpson found himself one on one with the keeper, and we watched on as his sweetly struck shot flew just wide of the post. All eyes were on the fourth official straight after this chance, and the sighs of seeing 5 minutes put up were completely drowned out by yet more singing.

    I would be lying to say the 5 minutes were a breeze – it was painful to watch. The ball was flying round our box like a ping-pong ball… and time after time we just managed to have someone correctly positioned to deal with the threat. It was extreme-pressure, and even the likes of Cook and Buzsaky were hurling themselves in to any loose ball they could – although we didn’t really have the chance to appreciate it at the time! We managed to hang on for all 3 points… just. The relief and celebration at the full time whistle was enormous, and I looked straight up at Amit Bhatia who was fist pumping left right and centre. A large percentage of the fans stayed to applaud the players off the pitch, and no one looked to enjoy it more than Cook who did a fair amount of pumping himself.

    Player Ratings –

    I have to say, I thought that literally every single one of those players played with their heart on their sleeve. Maybe not all of them performed to the level you would hope for (Hill), but it wasn’t for the want of trying. We all had concerns about where the fight would come from… but wow did those players battle today!

    There was one player I wanted to reserve special praise for though…

    Antonio German – You have to question whether it’s the best move in the world handing a debut to a player that is just 18 years old, especially in the thick of a relegation battle. But Harford got this decision absolutely spot on. The physical strength of this kid is frightening. He can hold up the ball as good as any player we have IMO. He won everything in the air all day long. He can run at players… everything. I was trying to think who I would liken him to, but he is just unique. Delighted that he managed to get his goal, and his overall play was simply outstanding.

    Finally I can write on a game has filled us with optimism!! Let’s not forget that Doncaster are a very good side, and plenty of teams have been ripped apart by them… but that just never looked in danger today. We played some very good football, but (more importantly in my eyes) we battled ever so hard. We have recently witnessed players appearing to not really put much of a shift in… but today was the complete opposite. Even our flair players weren’t scared to put their boot in, and we really got in Donny’s faces. If we can keep up this level of grit and determination there is no doubt in my eyes that we will pull clear from that drop zone. There is still a long way to go, but they really did give us something to shout about today.


    I alluded earlier in my post about the behind the scenes look I managed to get into QPR today. I emailed in earlier in the week requesting a brief chat with Gianni Paladini, and I was given instructions on how I could get in touch with him today. After getting to the ground, I managed to get to where I needed to but was told that Gianni hadn’t arrived yet. So there I was frantically waiting outside… then suddenly he walked along. When I approached him amongst other fans (with a little help from a friend), he looked at me and said “Saffa?” to which I smiled and said that it was me. I have to say having him refer to me directly by first name I found quite surreal!

    So he took me into the main reception with him, and just as we were walking along Rowlands grabbed Gianni and said “What you so happy about?” to which he laughed. He also introduced me to Rowlands which I really enjoyed. He looked like he was absolutely buzzing… it really wasn’t how I would expect Rowlands to be while undergoing the treatment on his injury. Everyone inside there had smiles written all over their faces though… and we all know exactly what they are smiling about!

    After going up the lift we eventually came out along a hall way with plenty of well known faces walking all round the place… Billy Rice to name one. Gianni asked a couple of suited men who the people were in his office, and he said that he needed an office for himself urgently. 10 seconds later we were shown into a room.

    So there I was… sat in a room with Gianni Paladini! Unbelievable!

    He took to a seat on the left hand side of the room, and while smiling as he sat back into his chair he fondly said… “You are from Isle of Wight, I remember you from when you were much smaller...”

    As if being in the room with him wasn’t lucky enough, I was absolutely gob-smacked that he could remember me! He said he always remembered because of the IOW. I joked with him and said I have changed a little, and that while I’m taller I’m also a bit fatter now to which we both had a laugh at. It worked as quite a nice ice-breaker. Not that we needed one, he couldn’t have been more welcoming and he made me feel at ease instantaneously.

    He then asked me what I wanted to talk to him about... Naturally I started by gratefully thanking him for giving me the time of day. He told me not to be so silly, and that he was glad to be able to talk with me. So I said to him that we are so frustrated with things around QPR at the moment. I said it was brilliant news that the Mittal’s have taken more shares, but that the PR is a disaster.

    I felt maybe he might maybe switch off at this stage, and that I would probably end up getting marched off within seconds… and that listening to some fan whinge on might not be high on his priority list…But that wasn’t the case at all, he sat back and encouraged me to go on.

    I continued by saying to look at the Routledge situation. I said we are told we will be in the Champions League in 4 years time… and now we are discussing letting go of arguably our best player. He nodded, fully appreciative of where I was coming from. His facial expression when I mentioned the Routledge sale was one of disappointment… believe me he is gutted about him leaving us.

    I said to him that the club NEEDS to communicate with the supporters, and how importantly I felt it was that QPR was united and not split into different fractions. I suggested that maybe one way to get supporters back on-side would be to explain the decisions being made to us.

    He looked at me now with a big smile on his face. He assured me that we will all see EXACTLY the direction the club is heading in over the coming days and weeks. He had a glint in his eye, and I couldn’t help but feel that maybe we actually have something special to look forward to. Don’t quote me on that, but his excitement was clear as daylight.

    He then spoke of his love for the club. He told me of how ecstatic he was when he managed to persuade Flavio, Bernie and Mittal to come on board. He is disappointed that things have got to the state they were at, but said that he would love the fans to be happy and proud of supporting our football club again.

    I then said to him that if I went back and got questions from supporters, would he be prepared to meet with me and answer what we want know? I said I think it would make a massive difference to the supporter’s opinions of not only the club… but of what we think of Gianni himself. Instantaneously he answered “Of Course!” and I had it agreed with him how I wanted to do it.

    I dearly wish that I could have had every single fan in that room with me... The balance of opinion would completely change. It was so blatantly clear that not only does he care about QPR – but he cares about our supporters passionately. He wasn’t talking to me via some script, just from the heart… and like I said I just wish more people could have been with me to witness it. He really isn’t the tyrant that he is made out to be, he’s actually a fantastic person and the impression he made on me in that office was enormous.

    He said he felt that some fans will always have something against him… so if you are reading this and feel strongly about Gianni, I would at least ask that when this Q&A is posted that it’s approached it with an open mind.

    He then said he wanted to give me something… not for taking the time to contact him, but for supporting the club and making the journeys that I do. Next thing I knew I was in the dressing room with the players… Many of them haven’t seen Gianni since this takeover has been completed, and seeing the reaction of them first hand was such a special moment for me.

    Yet the first thing he said to them was not anything about the Mittal’s… but me! He told them abit of background, and I got a round of applause from the players (YES I WAS BLUSHING….BADLY!). One thing that you couldn’t help but pick up on though was that the players absolutely love Gianni. They really were over him like a rash! To be seeing all this first hand… well I just didn’t feel worthy to be honest. He left me to chat with a couple of them, and then took me in to see Harford and the other coaches. I spoke a fair bit to them… particularly Harford. Gianni just stood to the side and left me to chat away. When we came out and were stood in the tunnel, he looked at me smiling again… I think he could see that I was in my element (hard not to tell to be honest).

    He then asked me what player I liked and when I said Faurlin, he darted off and came back with a shirt from him!!

    He didn’t have to do any of what he did… and I found it extremely touching. There is so much more I want to say about what I saw and discovered today… But my mind is just all over the place!!

    One thing is so clear though, inside the club Gianni is such a popular figure. Even people like doormen he will stand and chat with for minutes on end… Personally before I thought he didn’t warrant the stick he got, now I passionately want to try and convey what he does behind the scenes that we never hear about.

    I will be posting details tomorrow, and I’ll need your feedback and questions to take to him.

    But as I said above, he just has this incredible aura about him… and real class! I’m still astounded that he has agreed to do it, but he wants us all pulling in the same direction, and hopefully that’s what we can all achieve.

    Maybe his DOF role is wrong for QPR (I personally think if we stuck with a manager this team would be capable of playoffs), but either way I appreciate the argument for people saying it should be the MANAGER picking the players.

    But Gianni cares about this club just as strongly as we all do, and while a change of role may be better long term – him leaving QPR isn’t.

    Let’s look on the positives tonight though – 3 points. Hopefully things will continue to get better and better now. I’m certainly feeling much brighter, and judging by that dressing room so are those players… and It really did show on the pitch.

    U R’sss!!

  • #2
    Brilliant read, good to hear about gianni. He is a really nice bloke who loves the club (even if he has made some bad decisions). Really happy for you mate, shows that the effort you put in pays off. Nice of paladini to get you faurlin's shirt, at least it sounds like there is a good atmosphere surrounding the club
    Last edited by Guest; 21-02-2010, 03:32 AM.


    • #3
      first off...absolute blinding read and thanks for a good insight

      second off...you jammy #%6&*4$


      • #4
        at least they are now prepared to listen to the fans. as long as hes not signing the players i personally have no problem in gianni staying at QPR and if he cares as much as you say he does then it can't be that much of a bad thing if he does.


        • #5
          top top stuff sm just got home and about to have a good read of all the above, and so so pleased with todays result u rsssss
          I played sunday league football today.

          Clearly I was the best player on the pitch.

          I scored 5 and made 7 last ditch tackles.

          We lost 5-0 but the rest of my team were sh it!


          • #6
            superb read mate , proper job !
            must admit ive never been a paladini hater , rangers through and through imo.

            Also you got to live the dream for any rangers fan today , and i for one really admire ure unconditional support for our club.So for this i am our course insanely jelous , but you have earnt and thoroughly deserve this day.

            my mum lives in sandown high street, so i know what a pain your journey to w12 is .
            Fans like you make fans like me , proud to be a ranger .


            • #7
              Saffa... if anyone deserves it you really do!

              I'm really happy for you and can imagine your face going all red today.

              Let's hope this good news comes out sooner rather than later.


              • #8
                Star stuck then ?

                Wait till you meet me.......Bring a change of underwear.....


                • #9
                  Yes, very happy for you Saffa, take care mate!


                  • #10
                    Amazing read, i felt the stick Paladini got was over the top and this reinforces that for me but also shows he does truly love the club but more importantly the players and the club love him
                    Ainsworth is a Legend http://twitter.com/#!/ChrisHermitage Has scored at Loftus Road


                    • #11
                      Excellent read as always Saf. Was not able to make it today unfortunately, but if what I've heard and read, things look good and now i honestly think we can stay up.
                      Just like Quaz said you are one lucky barsteward, jealous as hell.
                      Opinions are like A******s, everyone has one, but nobody wants to see the other guy's.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by hermitage10 View Post
                        Amazing read, i felt the stick Paladini got was over the top and this reinforces that for me but also shows he does truly love the club but more importantly the players and the club love him
                        Now i feel sick.


                        • #13
                          Wicked post...and although I have never ever personally slagged off GP on this board I never intend to either after reading that. Fair play to him for doing what he done for u today & well done to you,coming from IOW bloody hell mate u deserve it...Thanx again great read.


                          • #14
                            Great Post

                            Really great post and it cemented my beliefs of what may have been happening behind the scenes.

                            I hope that the post and todays win (and manner of it) will bring the different supporter factions closer together.

                            Irrespective of comments I've seen Im one of these people who believe GP has been a great servant to the club.

                            Sean In Oz


                            • #15
                              I haven't seen anything as sycophantic since i looked at a Gordan Ramsey celebrity cooking programme. That piece was vomit inducing.

