As we know there has been much speculation on whether Eze will be sold in the next window with Man city being interested...
Fees in the region of 80 mill have been mentioned .. article as follows ...... ....
There have been conflicting reports that we we'll receive either 20% of the profit (64mill) or 20% of the full amount (80mill) equating to either 12.8 or 16 mill - is that correct?
And if it goes through that would surely give us a massive boost to avoid potential relegation = Could be our saviour
Fees in the region of 80 mill have been mentioned .. article as follows ...... ....
There have been conflicting reports that we we'll receive either 20% of the profit (64mill) or 20% of the full amount (80mill) equating to either 12.8 or 16 mill - is that correct?
And if it goes through that would surely give us a massive boost to avoid potential relegation = Could be our saviour