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Completely Fed Up With Club Spin

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  • Completely Fed Up With Club Spin

    I suspect we have approached Warnock and he has declined the offer (despite rumours that I have direct telephone line to all news, ITS JUST MY OPINION), so now we are spoon fed that the players are behind Harford, so that in some way it deflects negative opinion away from the board and puts pressure on the players to win football matches

    My own opinion is that will back-fire, these players have already shown they lack bottle, freeze in front of their own fans when the pressure is on and now because of the latest spin if we lose from the club, they will get it even more. I'm not going to comment on the potential takeover, but even that is taking forever and us fans deserve better.

    We were promised Premiership/Champions League football in 4 years and even though those kind of expectations are unrealistic, the last thing we expected was the prospect of Division 1 football with 2 of the richest people in the world on the board!!

    I really hope rumours of the takeover happen because after the latest stories of player power deciding who should be manager is disgraceful. They have not deserved the right to decide this. They under-performed in the last 2 games under Magilton and got waht they deserved an absolute rollicking for not putting in the effort. According to someone who I trust close to Gorman, it was down to training methods and the wok ethic that the players decided enough was enough. Also, the feeling that certain players were being singled out, two Gorkss and Buzsacky. The latter hasn't put in a shift since October.

    I find the whole thing disgraceful that the players are even consulted about who the manager should be. I suspect Warnock has turned us down and now we are left in limbo and now this spin about how much the players want Harford is just a smokescreen. I'm totally fed up with this club, as it couldn't organise a p.iss up in a brewery.

    Lets hope the Locals are being spun as well, as with harford till the end of the season, when he hasn't even won a game since he took charge, points only one way and that is Division 1 football next season.

    One note of slight optiisim
    The club do play the press like this sometimes, so their is a glimmer of hope they are playing down a Warnock move, more on that will be clearer when Colin comes out of his administration meeting at lunchtime

  • #2
    as far as mcintyre is concerned its a done deal and all ready sorted
    pete do u think that if they get in warnock is it worth the £1.5 mill compensation?

    #QPRJunglists #QPRPartybusmassive @epn1882chalet QPR - JUNGLE - DnB - Westside Hounslow


    • #3
      Originally posted by GL Paddok Nutta View Post
      as far as mcintyre is concerned its a done deal and all ready sorted
      pete do u think that if they get in warnock is it worth the £1.5 mill compensation?
      Where does Mcinttyre say its a done deal. He is normally on the the money


      • #4
        Pete, who is responsible for all of this rubbish? Is it Ali?


        • #5
          i agree with you pete andwe deffo need someone in now as manager , and also need to be taken over as the current regime has proved they are not gonna put their money to back up their promises . I suppose we'll just have to wait and see. But im not knocking u one bit as u have a fantastic web site and do a lot that for us fans in terms of news , and only tell us what u hear but to say youre sick of spin when a lot of your roumers could be construde as (spin) i find a little amusing


          • #6
            Originally posted by qblockpete View Post
            I suspect we have approached Warnock and he has declined the offer (despite rumours that I have direct telephone line to all news, ITS JUST MY OPINION), so now we are spoon fed that the players are behind Harford, so that in some way it deflects negative opinion away from the board and puts pressure on the players to win football matches

            My own opinion is that will back-fire, these players have already shown they lack bottle, freeze in front of their own fans when the pressure is on and now because of the latest spin if we lose from the club, they will get it even more. I'm not going to comment on the potential takeover, but even that is taking forever and us fans deserve better.

            We were promised Premiership/Champions League football in 4 years and even though those kind of expectations are unrealistic, the last thing we expected was the prospect of Division 1 football with 2 of the richest people in the world on the board!!

            I really hope rumours of the takeover happen because after the latest stories of player power deciding who should be manager is disgraceful. They have not deserved the right to decide this. They under-performed in the last 2 games under Magilton and got waht they deserved an absolute rollicking for not putting in the effort. According to someone who I trust close to Gorman, it was down to training methods and the wok ethic that the players decided enough was enough. Also, the feeling that certain players were being singled out, two Gorkss and Buzsacky. The latter hasn't put in a shift since October.

            I find the whole thing disgraceful that the players are even consulted about who the manager should be. I suspect Warnock has turned us down and now we are left in limbo and now this spin about how much the players want Harford is just a smokescreen. I'm totally fed up with this club, as it couldn't organise a p.iss up in a brewery.

            Lets hope the Locals are being spun as well, as with harford till the end of the season, when he hasn't even won a game since he took charge, points only one way and that is Division 1 football next season.

            One note of slight optiisim
            The club do play the press like this sometimes, so their is a glimmer of hope they are playing down a Warnock move, more on that will be clearer when Colin comes out of his administration meeting at lunchtime

            Well one man must take responsibility for this and that is Gianni Paladini

            1) He assembled this group of overpaid primma donnas wasting a transfer budget in one hit in Jan 2008 leaving us to rely on the loan market ever since

            2) He never backed Magilton when it mattered and should have sacked Buzsaky

            Now not even you can deny this, don't look to shift the blame onto Briatore, just be honest.

            3) Nice bit of advertising on your posts....ching ching :bad_smile:


            • #7
              WOW, what a turn round.

              WE all know that the club Spin, Spin, Spin and you've liked to indulge a little bit (!) in spinning on their behalf just a few times in teh past.

              On this one, though, join the cynical (realistic) bandwagon. We are right up poo street because the only group we can actually rely on to get us out of this situation are the players and there is not one of that lot that I'd like with me in the trenches.

              If Briatore is asking for £30m, I really am not surprised that the deal is not yet conducted; the Mittals have loads of money, but that doesn't mean that they should pay over the odds. I honestly think that Briatore has de-valued the club since he's been here. I have always maintained that the lick of paint and improvement in the Corporate areas will not add to the price of the ground even with the ridiculous chandoliers and the wage liabilities a new owner will have to manage are now through the roof. So, the club is worth less. Assuming Briatore paid £20m (of which the club probably loaned him £5m), I would say that the Mittals should offer no more than £10m.

              We all know Flabio is a stubborn, stubborn, arrogant tool and will probably not budge. The deciding factor will be whether the Mittals are content to take on a League One Club just to save a few £m.


              • #8
                im really starting to think that there will be no new owner in mittal/amit and there will be no new manager.

                LEAGUE 1 here we come :(
                "birch said he rated u btw luke, congrats"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by W12_Ranger View Post
                  Well one man must take responsibility for this and that is Gianni Paladini

                  1) He assembled this group of overpaid primma donnas wasting a transfer budget in one hit in Jan 2008 leaving us to rely on the loan market ever since

                  2) He never backed Magilton when it mattered and should have sacked Buzsaky

                  Now not even you can deny this, don't look to shift the blame onto Briatore, just be honest.

                  3) Nice bit of advertising on your posts....ching ching :bad_smile:
                  Certainly not in the GP fan club myself - but, W12, you do talk some absolute tosh sometimes.
                  You KNOW the budget was wasted in Jan 2008 do you? You KNOW that FB didn't shut the wallet and said "no more".
                  And what grounds did anyone have to sack Busaky? For being a bit moody after being assaulted?

                  There are points to argue and debate - but not here mate.


                  • #10
                    You KNOW Buszaky was assaulted do you AndyB?


                    • #11
                      No - fair point.

                      But that is my point. We know nothing. Despite the apparant ITKs.


                      • #12
                        w12 points are correct

                        gp/fb the people who have been in charge have gone about running the club in the wrong way, we are a small "english" football club, who used to make the most of the grass routes players and selling on to make profit.

                        Abest you could say we were a over achieving club, gp / fb said they wanted to get back to that status "over achieving" small club and build on that, in sted went out getting players kicking arround out prem clubs without a contract etc paying big wages and all the other crap that went with it.

                        GP has built this club like a german/french/spanish club getting players in that he and FB want to see and getting a manager to mange them, which has not worked!!!

                        cut a long story short

                        if qpr want to survive this season they should get someone in now!

                        get someone in so they have a head start for next season (simular to what fb,gp should have done for sousa) let the manager sort out youth set up, play about with the team for the rest of the season and have a whole summer to recruit properly and add to the cause.

                        correct qpr could not of sacked buzz but magilton was doing well with us and we were playing good football, he had one bad patch and got rid of because a player had a tantrum? if qpr would have put buzz on the transfer list it would have showed they supported magilton and if buzzacky didnt like that he should of left, he hasnt performed since has he? if they did put him on transfer he might of just bucked up his ideas as not being funny who would want to take a player on who tried to get a manager sacked he wouldnt of left im prettie sure of that. besides that i respect magilton for his passion and if he gets in the face of a player who isnt doing what hes supposed to do hes only voicing the fans opinion further enhancing the fact he was doing a good job

                        passionate manager = passoinate players

                        thats the way it will work

                        #QPRJunglists #QPRPartybusmassive @epn1882chalet QPR - JUNGLE - DnB - Westside Hounslow


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by GL Paddok Nutta View Post
                          passionate manager = passoinate players
                          I think you've hit the nail on the head mate.

                          And watching Harfords interviews, well, there's more passion in my grandads bedroom and he's 90 odd.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by AndyB View Post
                            No - fair point.

                            But that is my point. We know nothing. Despite the apparant ITKs.
                            So are you talking tosh as well then?

                            The way I see it Gee Pee was like at kid in a candy shop in Jan 2008 and as a short term fix he did enough to turn us into a mid table team but did this football expert need to hand these deals out and permantley sign all those players? Ever since Jan 2008 it would appear we have only paid monies for players when funds have been generated by sales, though obviously no one can ever put a figure on things because in the the murky world of QPR everything is undisclosed.

                            Originally posted by scott_jones View Post
                            I think you've hit the nail on the head mate.

                            And watching Harfords interviews, well, there's more passion in my grandads bedroom and he's 90 odd.
                            Board need to back the manager to the hilt first and not undermine his decisions or his authority. If they don't players will see this as weakness and take advantage of this, Jim Magilton was a passionate manager
                            Last edited by W12_Ranger; 18-02-2010, 01:43 PM.


                            • #15
                              The club's PR is terrible especially with fans. All this talk of Curbishley, Wranock and Dowie. We'll probably end up with Stuart McCall.

                              Sorry state of affairs.
                              First game: Arsenal vs Queen's Park Rangers at Highbury, Saturday 17th November 1984.

