I see that there are speculations that football will have to be played behind closed doors until there is a vaccine:
A vaccine is probably earliest available 12-18 months from now, if at all. It can be late 2021, 2022, 2023 or never. And it takes forever to vaccine the entire populations, so add another 6+ months from vaccination will be introduced until everyone has got their injection.
It is impossible for some Championship clubs to survive without fans and match day revenues. If there are no fans attending matches there wont be much other revenues either, as most other commercial revenue will disappear. Not all clubs can survive on selling players, either because they don't have salable players or because not many clubs can afford to buy.
If some Championships cannot afford to play without fans, I think the league has to shut altogether, until there is a vaccine and games can resume. It won't be fair to keep going if it drives clubs to bankruptcy.
So lets face it: If the government decides to abandon matches until there is a vaccine we have to go into stamp collecting or some other new hobbies, as there won't be Championships matches for a very, very long time.
My opinion: I think this lock down is madness. The lock down kills way more people than the virus. Hundreds of million jobs are lost around the world and hundreds of million people are driven into poverty, with potential social unrest that we have never seen before once the long term consequences are taking its toll.
A vaccine is probably earliest available 12-18 months from now, if at all. It can be late 2021, 2022, 2023 or never. And it takes forever to vaccine the entire populations, so add another 6+ months from vaccination will be introduced until everyone has got their injection.
It is impossible for some Championship clubs to survive without fans and match day revenues. If there are no fans attending matches there wont be much other revenues either, as most other commercial revenue will disappear. Not all clubs can survive on selling players, either because they don't have salable players or because not many clubs can afford to buy.
If some Championships cannot afford to play without fans, I think the league has to shut altogether, until there is a vaccine and games can resume. It won't be fair to keep going if it drives clubs to bankruptcy.
So lets face it: If the government decides to abandon matches until there is a vaccine we have to go into stamp collecting or some other new hobbies, as there won't be Championships matches for a very, very long time.
My opinion: I think this lock down is madness. The lock down kills way more people than the virus. Hundreds of million jobs are lost around the world and hundreds of million people are driven into poverty, with potential social unrest that we have never seen before once the long term consequences are taking its toll.