anybody else see this today?
Nigel Quashie was warming up during the game at the side of the pitch. I was getting annoyed as he was strolling about not putting in any effort. Then this very disabled guy at the front starts trying to get his attention. Now any footballer could have just ignored him and been prejudgice and thought hes a bit weird but he catches his eye and nigel goes over into the stand shakes his hand and starts chatting to him. I over heard there conversation and he was talking to him as if he had done it before
if so you are a legend and what the club needs in those few seconds you walked up to that guy you changed my opinion on yourself well done
Nigel Quashie was warming up during the game at the side of the pitch. I was getting annoyed as he was strolling about not putting in any effort. Then this very disabled guy at the front starts trying to get his attention. Now any footballer could have just ignored him and been prejudgice and thought hes a bit weird but he catches his eye and nigel goes over into the stand shakes his hand and starts chatting to him. I over heard there conversation and he was talking to him as if he had done it before
if so you are a legend and what the club needs in those few seconds you walked up to that guy you changed my opinion on yourself well done