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Why i do not fear relegation

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  • #16
    Originally posted by scottyboy007 View Post
    Conners I agree with you totally.

    I have posted the below on a different thread and providing Flavio does sell if i actually think Flavio has done a lot of thing which has taken the club. if he stays then I think the club could collapse

    Copy and paste of the post:

    ........re what has Flavio done for QPR? (I have put a positive spin on this)

    - Re conditioned Loftus Road a lick of paint nothing more exept the exec areas which are hardly used
    - new big screen didn't need it didn't want it
    - New pitch at HQ and training ground
    - investment in circa 40 players most not good enough
    - financing the football club if reports are true then we are financed by various loans
    - signing up the biggest sponsors in the history of the club all the money was in getting to the prem
    - Making QPR known again as a force in the UK and around the world making us into a laughing stock
    - investing in a youth system really? i see no evidence of this
    - new ideas to increase revenue e.g. new dimension to corporate hospitality increase revenue by slagging off your own fans and charging people the same amount of money as a premiership club for a box
    just to even it up


    • #17
      Originally posted by conners View Post
      OK, so some of us are concerned about relegation. I'm not and here's why.

      Flavio really is not stupid. He can see that things are not improving on the pitch. So here are the two scenarios I see playing out:

      1. Flavio wants to stay and be main man - He will sack Harford, not caring what the fans think and get in someone that can turn this around.

      2. More likely that Flavio wants out. The club is worth more as a Championship club than it is a Firs Division. As a result, he will either sell in he next few days or do all he can to ensure that we are a Championship club come the summer (and sell then).

      If the dream team of Amit and Warnock come together, I really hope that the fans will turn out in force for the remainder of the season and really get behind the team.

      In the meantime, I note some of the comments on here about giving the board a hard time. Please don't do that during the game in a local derby. We started to get behind the team against Ipswich. Let's do the same against Watford. Remember, that they turned us over earlier in the season and it was after that game that the alleged head butt took place.

      They would.
      Final Version - Hope you like it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1z0UQ0eqRM

      Follow Me On Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/QPRGoddard


      • #18
        Sorry but why are some people suggesting we lie down and roll over in case FB and others sell up? To be honest there was a better feeling at the club when we couldn't afford to pay the St Johns Ambulance - at least the players gave everything then!

        The cold facts are these:

        The board have not supported one manager in the way they should. (Akos should have been told to shut up or find a new club and Magilton backed by the board).
        They have not given one manager the chance to manage. (Dowie - queter finals of league cup and just o/s playoffs, Sousa - anyone noticed how well he's done at Swansea?)
        They have alienated the majority of fans
        They have invested heavily in loan players - loan players have no connection with the club and don't really care whether we stay up or down as they will be going back to their parent clubs.
        They have allowed GP to oversee the signing of players - big mistake the director of football method DOESN'T WORK!!
        They have trodden all over the history and spirit of the club and appointed the odius Ali Russell who tries every trick in the book to bleed hard earned money out of loyal supporters.
        They have reduced the club to a shadow of its former self and that is reflected in what the over paid overweight players are showing on the pitch - they don't care cos Harford will be gone the end of the season and they all know it, they don't care cos they're on silly deals and are getting paid no matter what.

        The days of peasants doffing their caps to the landed gentry and not daring to speak out of turn are gone - we aint happy and we should effing well say so - without us the club wouldn't exist and its about time they remembered that.



        • #19
          Summed it up brilliantly Middlesex.

          As for the so called pro's come on - we had a crap team when they arrived and we have a crap squad now - we've gone from Bolder, Malcolm, Cullip etc to Ikeme, Borrowdale, Bent, Quashie & Priskin - real progress...

          Forget October - we NEVER were promotion candidates, we merely punched well above our weight for a brief while just like we did for a spell last season. The Times had us down for 19th at the start of the season and that prediction was treated with derisory comments on here.

          Our last 17 games - W2 D5 L10 - what does that say?

          Wake up and smell the coffee..
          "Originally Posted by qblockpete
          QPR will finish at least in the Play offs
          Swansea will finish in bottom 6
          Middlesboro will finish champions"


          • #20
            Originally posted by MiddlesexHoop View Post
            Sorry but why are some people suggesting we lie down and roll over in case FB and others sell up? To be honest there was a better feeling at the club when we couldn't afford to pay the St Johns Ambulance - at least the players gave everything then!

            The cold facts are these:

            The board have not supported one manager in the way they should. (Akos should have been told to shut up or find a new club and Magilton backed by the board).
            They have not given one manager the chance to manage. (Dowie - queter finals of league cup and just o/s playoffs, Sousa - anyone noticed how well he's done at Swansea?)
            They have alienated the majority of fans
            They have invested heavily in loan players - loan players have no connection with the club and don't really care whether we stay up or down as they will be going back to their parent clubs.
            They have allowed GP to oversee the signing of players - big mistake the director of football method DOESN'T WORK!!
            They have trodden all over the history and spirit of the club and appointed the odius Ali Russell who tries every trick in the book to bleed hard earned money out of loyal supporters.
            They have reduced the club to a shadow of its former self and that is reflected in what the over paid overweight players are showing on the pitch - they don't care cos Harford will be gone the end of the season and they all know it, they don't care cos they're on silly deals and are getting paid no matter what.

            The days of peasants doffing their caps to the landed gentry and not daring to speak out of turn are gone - we aint happy and we should effing well say so - without us the club wouldn't exist and its about time they remembered that.

            RANGERS TIL I DIE
            Not bad for a first post

            So many points i agree with.

            I thing does make me laugh(actually loads do) - but - we loan our two strikers pat and Heidar.They are not that good, but they are ours.So what do we do...we loan in two strikers worse than Pat and heidar.

            Who sanctions such moves?My dog can see that these two players are shat and no better than what we have.

            I can see Harford being sacked very soon and whereas , i don't totally blame him, what he has had to work with has not helped him at all.

            Will brining in a new manager now help??

            Send back Hill , Bent Priskin, Ikeme - and draught in 4 serious loans...the likes of a Kitson etc.Even then, not sure it would work....but bring them in with a mind to buy them..

            Why are we still loaning Adel?He spends half his time on the bench.Bet he cannot wait to go back to spuds.


            • #21
              Originally posted by MiddlesexHoop View Post
              Sorry but why are some people suggesting we lie down and roll over in case FB and others sell up? To be honest there was a better feeling at the club when we couldn't afford to pay the St Johns Ambulance - at least the players gave everything then!

              The cold facts are these:

              The board have not supported one manager in the way they should. (Akos should have been told to shut up or find a new club and Magilton backed by the board).
              They have not given one manager the chance to manage. (Dowie - queter finals of league cup and just o/s playoffs, Sousa - anyone noticed how well he's done at Swansea?)
              They have alienated the majority of fans
              They have invested heavily in loan players - loan players have no connection with the club and don't really care whether we stay up or down as they will be going back to their parent clubs.
              They have allowed GP to oversee the signing of players - big mistake the director of football method DOESN'T WORK!!
              They have trodden all over the history and spirit of the club and appointed the odius Ali Russell who tries every trick in the book to bleed hard earned money out of loyal supporters.
              They have reduced the club to a shadow of its former self and that is reflected in what the over paid overweight players are showing on the pitch - they don't care cos Harford will be gone the end of the season and they all know it, they don't care cos they're on silly deals and are getting paid no matter what.

              The days of peasants doffing their caps to the landed gentry and not daring to speak out of turn are gone - we aint happy and we should effing well say so - without us the club wouldn't exist and its about time they remembered that.

              RANGERS TIL I DIE
              excellent first post...
              PRIDE OF LONDON.


              • #22
                Spencer I think the problem is mate we can't attract the decent loan players - the problem with the way things have been run is we are a laughing stock within the game and no one wants to be a part of it. I don't know if yet another manager would make any difference at all but we really are in the last chance saloon now. I totally agree we punched above our weight in October but also think if Magilton had been given time - the one thing no manager has had - we would be comfortably mid table and perhaps still have half a chance of the play offs -and as mediocre as that sounds I'd snap your arm off for that right now.


                • #23
                  A new respected manager(curbishley) and new owners (mittals maybe) and plenty of decent players would come, but it's got happen within the next 10 to 14 days coz we're sinking fast


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by MiddlesexHoop View Post
                    Spencer I think the problem is mate we can't attract the decent loan players - the problem with the way things have been run is we are a laughing stock within the game and no one wants to be a part of it. I don't know if yet another manager would make any difference at all but we really are in the last chance saloon now. I totally agree we punched above our weight in October but also think if Magilton had been given time - the one thing no manager has had - we would be comfortably mid table and perhaps still have half a chance of the play offs -and as mediocre as that sounds I'd snap your arm off for that right now.
                    Totally agree about attracting decent players and even managers.We now have a small squad - and it has relegation squad all over it.

                    Funny thing - watched Fitz hall play for Newcastle today - and he didn't look at out place....

                    Not really sure what can be done - albeit a total lobotomy of the board.Just noted the odd rumour about the Mittals and really i suppose its the only thing that may attract players if the likes of FB GP etc were removed.But there is more chance of me getting a shag from the missus tonight than that happening,,,,,I have promised here Valentines day at my local watching the England Rugby game...just waiting for the answer..


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by scottyboy007 View Post
                      Conners I agree with you totally.

                      I have posted the below on a different thread tonight, but thought it was appropriate for this thread.

                      Providing Flavio does sell, i actually think Flavio has done a lot of things which has taken the club forward. however if he stays then I think the club could collapse.

                      We should remember the good when thinking about protesting and the damage it could cause..... at the end of the day no QPR fan should want to harm the club. So we need to think things through before taking action.

                      Copy and paste of the post:

                      ........re what has Flavio done for QPR? (I have put a positive spin on this)

                      - Re conditioned Loftus Road
                      - new big screen
                      - New pitch at HQ and training ground
                      - investment in circa 40 players
                      - financing the football club
                      - signing up the biggest sponsors in the history of the club
                      - Making QPR known again as a force in the UK and around the world
                      - investing in a youth system
                      - new ideas to increase revenue e.g. new dimension to corporate hospitality

                      When we compare now and 3 years ago:

                      almost in admin vs now owned by billionaires,
                      car giant local sponsor vs gulf air global brand
                      run down ground vs improved ground with big screen, exec facilities 2nd to none, serious revenue generator improvement opportunities
                      a relegation squad vs a very good squad capable of promotion (think OCT)
                      doom and gloom vs positive expectation

                      Sponsors... we have global sponsors.... multi million pound deals.... the envy of most premiership clubs.....

                      Why are "die-hard fans disillusioned with how the club is being run"? Everyone seems to be quick to jump on the band wagon of such statements, I assume it is because of:

                      1) failure to reach the premiership
                      2) increase in the season ticket prices
                      3) introduction of a new pricing scheme IE bronze silver gold platinum
                      4) the c-club
                      5) change in badge
                      6) non appointment of a house hold name of a manager
                      7) no HUGE name signings
                      8) ABC loan not being zero'd by the owners
                      9) Flavio's alleged involvement with the team and sacking of mgrs
                      10) current poor performance

                      The real issue here, is that we all had an expectation of immediate success, including the press and I expect the owners including Flavio. With all the managerial changes and now with Mr no hope Mick involved staring relegation this appears to be the stone that’s broke the camel’s back. It could have been a different story if Magilton had not let him self down, which has actually created the grand big mess.

                      HOWEVER – if the Mittals do buy the club outright this week then I would declare Flavio’s tensure was successful and taken QPR to the next level, where the premiership dream may have a real chance of happening.
                      I don’t think protests are required… Flavio knows it is time for him to sell up, he seems to be doing this so no need to push him over the edge, as the edge will mean BYE BYE QPR.

                      So don’t protest – hang tight for a while longer – as Pete says give it 10 days!
                      I do believe that Flavio has got very close to getting his project right, though dare say I will be shot down in flames for that.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by conners View Post
                        I do believe that Flavio has got very close to getting his project right, though dare say I will be shot down in flames for that.
                        even tho the team is going in the wrong direction :waaaht:


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by conners View Post
                          I do believe that Flavio has got very close to getting his project right, though dare say I will be shot down in flames for that.
                          are you off yr nut mate......oh man....aagggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!1
                          PRIDE OF LONDON.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Quaz View Post
                            even tho the team is going in the wrong direction :waaaht:
                            Quaz, the guy has made some mistakes, the biggest being his first one in my opinion (in sacking Dowie). Having said that, we could have gone second in the league at one point this season. I do not at all accept that it was a fad either. We were the best team in the league and I genuinely felt we were playing the best football i had seen in years at Loftus Road.

                            I went to Newcastle and saw us play them off the pitch. It was no fluke.

                            Briatore, for his arrogance, has been particularly unlucky with injuries to key players. I am thinking Buz, Rowlands and Vine inparticular.

                            I know we all said (including me) that we needed a striker but during that great period earlier in the season we were scoring goals for fun throughout the team.

                            Something went wrong though. I don' t know what is was. Maybe it will come to light at a later point, but Magilton clearly lost the dressing room overnight.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by conners View Post
                              Quaz, the guy has made some mistakes, the biggest being his first one in my opinion (in sacking Dowie). Having said that, we could have gone second in the league at one point this season. I do not at all accept that it was a fad either. We were the best team in the league and I genuinely felt we were playing the best football i had seen in years at Loftus Road.

                              I went to Newcastle and saw us play them off the pitch. It was no fluke.

                              Briatore, for his arrogance, has been particularly unlucky with injuries to key players. I am thinking Buz, Rowlands and Vine inparticular.

                              I know we all said (including me) that we needed a striker but during that great period earlier in the season we were scoring goals for fun throughout the team.

                              Something went wrong though. I don' t know what is was. Maybe it will come to light at a later point, but Magilton clearly lost the dressing room overnight.
                              not disputing any of that...apart from best team....BUT still doesn't explain how Flav is close to getting it right....he is so far from it.
                              As for the unlucky with injuries...doesn't stand up as a good excuse...look what has been bought in the replace injured or sold players......

                              i could go on....but in my eyes he is way off getting it right.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Quaz View Post
                                not disputing any of that...apart from best team....BUT still doesn't explain how Flav is close to getting it right....he is so far from it.
                                As for the unlucky with injuries...doesn't stand up as a good excuse...look what has been bought in the replace injured or sold players......

                                i could go on....but in my eyes he is way off getting it right.
                                Could have easily got us promoted and still been a complete idiot in the eyes of many supporters, but they would have overlooked that.

                                The truth is that many fans lost faith in Briatore about three months of Dowie's era. I remember at the opening game that season. A big crowd turned out and even then they started to boo.

                                I will annoy quite a few in this next comment, but out of this whole sorry episode, I have got to say that a certain percentage of QPR's so-called fan base (only small percentage) have made me every bit ashamed of supporting QPR as much as Briatore has.

