Originally posted by brightonr
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You did CCJ, but that was on 15th May.
I was referring to the post I made in mid July once the subject had been brought up yet again.
The e-mail explanation I mentioned earlier is this:
Thanks for your message.
I’ll try to be as brief as I can, but it’s quite important to give people the full story.
Despite what some may believe, neither Stanley or myself had any problem whatsoever with the fact that Pinkie’s views on Ollie were different to ours. Differing opinions are necessary to have decent debate and that’s what this site has always had. I did once point out to him though that his posting style, (jumping straight on to virtually all posts that were anti Holloway) was akin to trolling. As many others have said, it wasn’t his opinion that irritated people, more the way that he relentlessly argued it at almost every opportunity. Hence why he started to fall out with people. We could see this coming a mile off and were trying to prevent it. Because of this, he somehow got it into his head that we were anti him and out to cause him trouble.
Trouble is, he is unwilling to listen to anybody else’s viewpoint and is prone to wrongly interpret what is said to him sometimes. In fact, when MYU once asked him to not be quite so obsessive and perhaps not get so involved, he completely mistook the point being made. He has referred in some of his rants about being told “not to discuss Holloway”. Blatantly untrue as that is what he was referring to.
Anyway, that’s a bit of background. Now for the real issue, which was of course, as has been pointed out on various occasions, his telling of blatant lies. One example, not related to the main sticking point was how he stated that Rangers 77 had “gone crying to admin” about him. Not once did any of us receive any such a complaint from him about anybody, let alone Pinkie. In fact, I have had several discussions over the years with 77 about other posters. And in every case, he was speaking out on behalf of the poster. Hence I defended 77 when Pinkie accused him of getting him put on pre-mod. Not because I wanted to side with anyone, but imagine how people’s views of 77, or any poster for that matter, could be skewed if that sort of thing was left unchallenged.
There were various other occasions whereby Pinkie accused Stan and myself of trying to “belittle him” or make him “look stupid”. None of which were true, we were simply correcting his mistaken opinions.
But what appears to be the major sticking point, is Stanley supposedly editing a post of his, to make him look foolish. From memory, he had once posted something that Holloway had said about building the team around Eze at one point. He was attempting to make a point and wanted to use this story to back up his point. All fair enough. Unfortunately, it all went a bit wrong here. Don’t know if you’ve ever experienced it yourself, but I know I have. Sometimes, when you try to copy and paste a “link”, when you do so, the device shortens it. In other words, rather than get the text of the entire link, you only get a shortened version of it. The result of this is that the link doesn’t work. This is what happened with Pinkie. I should point out that Stanley does, or did at least, perform a lot of “editing functions” in order to tidy up the forum. These would typically involve moving threads into the correct section, or perhaps merging threads where several have been started on the same subject by different people, in an effort to keep them all in the relevant place. Many hours of his time, in an effort to make things easier for other users.
Pinkie, then accused Stanley of editing this particular post of his, which of course he denied. I have seen various correspondence between the two of them and the one thing that stands out above all is that Pinkie simply won’t listen. Then, because he is not being agreed with, decides to take that as being picked on. As their latest exchange wasn’t getting anywhere fast, I then decided to attempt to explain what had caused the issue that he was so angry about. As I have done above. Partly because I thought that it might help coming from someone else and partly to back Stanley up as I know full well he would not have done any such thing. I have been on the admin team for about 9 years, Stanley about 8 years. I think I know him well enough.
Well. Pinkie decided that this was us ganging up on him. Stanley had lied. I had lied now too. We both had it in for him, simple as that. Naturally, both Stanley and myself denied any such wrongdoing and having seen him mention it publicly, asked him to withdraw such accusations as there were not at all true. He decided to repeat them.
Pinkie complained to both Fraggy and MYU himself, which actually ended up making the matter worse. Quite why MYU felt the need to look into it at all rather than just accept Stanley was telling the truth, I’ll never know. However, he did and MYU noticed in the log that Stanley had performed some sort of “edit”. Now, an edit can be one of several things including as stated earlier, moving or merging a post. I personally think that all Stanley had done was to put Pinkie’s latest post containing that link, into the thread that already existed, but we cannot actually tell. MYU mentioned to Fraggy that the post had been “edited”, without saying that we can’t tell how. Fraggy, as he has already admitted, made the mistake of relaying this piece of dodgy info to Pinkie, which only served to reinforce his view that Stanley had edited it for nefarious reasons.
Stanley has repeatedly told Pinkie he did no such thing. That should have been an end to it right from the start. I have told him he was mistaken and why, but he refuses to believe me either, although that should definitely have been enough to stop any further moaning. Pinkie, on several further occasions, publicly through posts on the forum, via a post from PunteR (someone he knows through Soundcloud) and now also via a long opening post by a supposed friend, johndakin45, continues to make such claims.
There was a vote within the team about whether he should be banned or not. Despite what he has claimed himself and without naming names, a significant majority wanted him banned. Not forever, but until such time as he acknowledged his mistake and publicly apologised to both Stanley and myself for making these totally untrue accusations. Then we could all move on.
As yet, he hasn’t done so. I have even pleaded with him to call me personally to discuss it, but he hasn’t.
So, that is exactly where things stand currently. All it would take is for him to apologise for continuous claims that we are liars.
Just as a side issue as he has made other claims that aren’t exactly accurate, both Stanley and myself said that if MYU did not back us, then we would happily stand down. No pressure. He didn’t, so we did. Followed immediately by Bluehoop in support as he could not believe how we were not being backed up. This was over 5 weeks ago now and neither of us have heard a word from MYU as yet, despite sending him messages asking if he’s OK as we were getting worried about him.
I hope I have covered everything. If not, do me a favour and call next time though, as this has taken quite a while to write out.
havent you noticed another poster is being lined up for the treatment being accused rightly or wrongly of being Pinky so what if he is ? I agree he should have respected the mods neutrality but he did suffer unfair criticism on a regular basis from other posters as mods advise if you don't like what you read ignore or blank it