Originally posted by Tarbie
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Firstly, I have known many posters on here for over 10 years and I can honestly say that I cannot think of a single one, regardless of other disagreements, who would intentionally be so crass as to use this to have another dig at IH. What has surprised me most is that anyone would actually think otherwise.
My original post was in fact intended to distinguish between two very separate things. One is a hugely personal tragedy for the manager. Way more important than the other which was just a game of football.
I stand by the word “”but”” which seems to be the issue to have caused others offence. Not because of any insensitivity, but because it specifically implies that the two things shouldn’t be linked.
For what it’s worth, I attach no blame to IH, the club, the reporter or anybody else for the way it may have been handled, because without being involved in it, one simply cannot know how any of the parties involved were thinking. For all we know, the club may have preferred IH to have not been involved in any way but gave in to his wishes out of respect.
A great shame that some are so quick to judge others, simply because they were looking at it from a slightly different perspective.