...a toss about us,our club or how we feel.The way he swans around LR and until recently,the F1 circuits,perfectly demonstrates the type of person he is.He's already banned from one sport and deemed by many to be unfit to run another."Crashgate",regularly sacking managers,screwing his team's loyal supporters for top,top money to watch them play,interferring in team tactics and selection,appears to be the way the man gets his kicks.He's a self indulgent and arrogant git who cares little or nothing about what he sees as small insignificant people.I'm not just jumping on the "I hate Briatore" bandwagon,I've felt like this,as my previous posts will testify ,from virtually day one.
I'd say demonstrate by way of a mass walk out 10 mins into the S****horpe match but....
A) He might not turn up under the circumstances....and
B) Even if he did,and we emptied the ground,he probably wouldn't give a sh*t,but imagine the media coverage it could generate.Has this sort of thing ever been done before?
Thoe nice people at F1 HQ are pretty good judges of character and were right in their punishment of FB (F****** B******).
I'd say demonstrate by way of a mass walk out 10 mins into the S****horpe match but....
A) He might not turn up under the circumstances....and
B) Even if he did,and we emptied the ground,he probably wouldn't give a sh*t,but imagine the media coverage it could generate.Has this sort of thing ever been done before?
Thoe nice people at F1 HQ are pretty good judges of character and were right in their punishment of FB (F****** B******).