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Which Player Is The Biggest Judas In Your Lifetime of Supporting QPR?

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  • #16
    Clarke effing Carlisle. One day he will realise that with out the support of QPR he would be an absolute nobody. Rs hole imo
    I blew a lot on vodka and tonic, gambling and fags. Looking back, I think I overdid it on the tonic. - The one and only Stanley Bowles


    • #17
      Yep Carlise for me also. Absolute winker


      • #18


        • #19

          Being a "QPR fan", and who he went to, and when he went to them... makes it worse.
          Final Version - Hope you like it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1z0UQ0eqRM

          Follow Me On Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/QPRGoddard


          • #20
            Yep Carlisle for me too, him and Langley, let the whole club down, after being supported through their injuries and personal problems.
            Seaman I can't really see as a Judas as he went on to win things with Arsenal which you can't really begrudge him.


            • #21
              For me it was Fenwick...club captain, England International and he said he wouldn't leave us:anger:..was gutted to see him go to spurs..although career pretty much nose-dived thereafter


              • #22
                David "JUDAS" Seaman


                • #23
                  Cant believe that no one has mentioned vinnie jones , who robbed our club of £500,000 because of a clause in his contract about managing , thieving bar steward.



                  • #24
                    carlisle for me........


                    • #25
                      Langley is a QPR FAN!!

                      Exactly Scott thats what makes it even worse, couldnt hang on one more season he saw ££££ and went to the horrible team that had just done us over CARDIFF!!

                      Will never forgive him for that!!! ******.
                      Cant believe it, ive been PWOPER MUGGED ORF...


                      • #26
                        Holloway, he was a god at LR and still wanted to follow his wallet by talking to Leicester, still feel very let down by him


                        • #27
                          Clarke Carlisle (milked us then sh1te on us) David Seaman (had already turned his back on us 8 or 9 games from the end of the season) and Don Masson (slagged us bigtime when he left for Derby)....not that i hold grudges....but death and pestulance to them and any that follow their example ! !


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by deepseahoop View Post
                            Holloway, he was a god at LR and still wanted to follow his wallet by talking to Leicester, still feel very let down by him
                            could say the same about venables...but people won't.


                            • #29
                              Carlisle for obviouis reasons, Sinton for his attitude and I still can't forgive Les for playing in those fake hoops. I don't blame Langley as he was sold to provide funds and I sort of forgive Seaman as he took all the chants on the chin and then acknowledged us.
                              RIP: Doug, Sniffer and Pat


                              • #30
                                steve wicks without doubt , his comments about us when he joined that shiyte down the road came back to haunt him, did **** all after he left us

