Had a quick pint in the Smutts and about 6pm walked round to the Springbok with the intention of getting my ticket on the way which I thought would be a doddle as South Africa Rd was deserted apart from a few stewards milling about and the arrival of Bernie.
How wrong could I be as the simple process of buying a ticket turned in something like this
Hello can I have a ticket for the Upper Loft please?
Yes that will be £15 please
I thought they were only £10 tonight?
Do you have a season ticket?
Yes I do and it is JU
Ah well those seats are £15
Well I will have one for HU then which must be £10
But you sit in JU
Well I will sit in HU tonight
Will you sit there all evening and not move?
Yes of course I will!!
Can I have your details then?
Whys that?
For your loyalty points
After all that I had a couple in the Springbok and then entered the ground with no queues whatsoever and of course went and sat in JU which was empty with a bovril bus alas no balti pie on a cold night as they had sold out!!!
An absolute shocking game of hoof ball followed freezing my nuts off and afterwards I walked to Goldhawk Rd to get a 237 for the first part home.
The 237 came and all was well until it suddenly diverted and I was then going back along the Uxbridge Rd again and down Askew Rd and picking up the route on Goldhawk Rd again.
Then spent the journey through Chiswick and Brentford with my next bus the 267 just in front and mine getting caught at every set of lights and when I got off at Busch corner the 267 glided off around the corner down Twickenham Rd leaving me standing in the snow for 25 minutes until the next one
Then when I did get indoors I got the usual I don't why you bother etc etc and they always lose but you still keep going which is the last thing you need when seriously peeded off :(
Ah well roll on Saturday!
How wrong could I be as the simple process of buying a ticket turned in something like this
Hello can I have a ticket for the Upper Loft please?
Yes that will be £15 please
I thought they were only £10 tonight?
Do you have a season ticket?
Yes I do and it is JU
Ah well those seats are £15
Well I will have one for HU then which must be £10
But you sit in JU
Well I will sit in HU tonight
Will you sit there all evening and not move?
Yes of course I will!!
Can I have your details then?
Whys that?
For your loyalty points

After all that I had a couple in the Springbok and then entered the ground with no queues whatsoever and of course went and sat in JU which was empty with a bovril bus alas no balti pie on a cold night as they had sold out!!!
An absolute shocking game of hoof ball followed freezing my nuts off and afterwards I walked to Goldhawk Rd to get a 237 for the first part home.
The 237 came and all was well until it suddenly diverted and I was then going back along the Uxbridge Rd again and down Askew Rd and picking up the route on Goldhawk Rd again.
Then spent the journey through Chiswick and Brentford with my next bus the 267 just in front and mine getting caught at every set of lights and when I got off at Busch corner the 267 glided off around the corner down Twickenham Rd leaving me standing in the snow for 25 minutes until the next one

Then when I did get indoors I got the usual I don't why you bother etc etc and they always lose but you still keep going which is the last thing you need when seriously peeded off :(
Ah well roll on Saturday!