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Palace rearranged game..how extra has this cost you?

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  • Palace rearranged game..how extra has this cost you?

    I reckon about £20 for me. so added reason I hope we win.

  • #2
    Last time 30 quid in the motor, got to the ground and off.

    Tomorrow can still use the ticket so just another £30 quid in fuel. Plus a few drinks and grub.


    • #3
      Nothing really. I was very lucky as my brother phoned me when I was just about to get on the 316 to richmond. The traffic was shocking and when my brother phoned me to say it was cancelled and he didn't get me the ticket I was quids in as I would of missed the game for sure. I am going tom anyway to even if it did get the tickets it wouldn't of been an issue. I just hope we play well tomorrow. I know some would of lost much more than 20 I felt for the guy that travelled from the isle of wight
      I played sunday league football today.

      Clearly I was the best player on the pitch.

      I scored 5 and made 7 last ditch tackles.

      We lost 5-0 but the rest of my team were sh it!


      • #4
        Cost me about 3 hours of stress, i have bad road rage and traffic really upsets me.
        Cant believe it, ive been PWOPER MUGGED ORF...


        • #5
          two from N.I. were over for the cancelled game.
          so flights,hotel etc must have cost them a bit.


          • #6
            I was fortunate, couldn't afford to go, but now I can and going tomorrow, just hope we win.
            Opinions are like A******s, everyone has one, but nobody wants to see the other guy's.


            • #7
              Fuel from Northants via Oxford Curry (x 4) + pub. Then ended up going to A & E to meet my family where my 3 y o ended up after a bout of croup. She was all OK got home about 2 am. So it cost me a great deal of emotional stress too!!! alls well that ends well - 3 points tomorrow night!!!

              The Bread Mans Blue and White Army


              • #8
                the game got called off last time and me and my mates all booked next day off to have a good win (hopefully) and go on the lash.

                game got called off but we went on the lash but took a gamble and went to watford (my local area) and found it out it was the ****test night of the week.

                cost me alot that night.
                Soldier: "im on reconnaissance sir.. im looking for our camouflage expert.. have you seen him?"
                Lovejoy: "No?!"
                Soldier: "GOD DAMNIT THAT GUYS GOOD!"

                Please Follow My Twitter


                • #9
                  £60 on the ferry plus about £30 in fuel.

                  Oh and a very long Wednesday at work!! :tired:


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SM1882 View Post
                    £60 on the ferry plus about £30 in fuel.

                    Oh and a very long Wednesday at work!! :tired:
                    Good on ya SM :boss:


                    • #11
                      Thanks bud,

                      Let's hope the same doesn't happen tomorrow eh?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SM1882 View Post
                        Thanks bud,

                        Let's hope the same doesn't happen tomorrow eh?
                        I know p'd me off last time travelling from MK...but obviously thats a stones throw compared to your journey fella....fair play.


                        • #13
                          It ended up saving me money, I couldn't make the game so gave my season ticket to a lad at work - he drove all the way from Windsor to Acton before hearing it had been called off. :(


                          • #14
                            Only about £4.40 on the tube and the price of a few pints last time.The thing that annoyed me most was that i have to book a days holiday for evening games and it was a waste of a day.


                            • #15
                              A man who has not made a mistake has made nothing

