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  • #16
    im dedicating

    yes im dedicating this loss to my best friend jethroe
    whose terrible pain is knowbodies gain
    LOVE YOU JETH for northolt for northolt death before dishonour
    miss you man:cry:


    • #17
      Originally posted by ROUTLEDGE FOR ENGLAND View Post
      had a tandem missed the peddle
      now my brain is in a meddle
      have written two thousand five hundred poems of which most are crap
      maybe ill become a song lyracist and write some rap
      optamistically i daydream my life away
      im not really botherd what other people say

      when i stare at the mirror my broken nose tells its own storey
      yes ive been kicked punched stabbed its all really gory
      but somewhere in the bedlem ive become a rubber ball
      kick me punch me i feel no pain at all

      you may cripple me you may make me blind
      but your never break me im one of a kind
      northolts most heavily decorated battle commander ill always be
      yes now in retired and hope violence is just history

      qpr will go on much longer than i will live
      i can never repay them for the pleasure they give
      thanks gianni and flav i can never repay all your hard work
      please dont take me seriously im just a burke
      Different class dex. :boss:


      • #18

        every twenty five poems i write has one reasonable one in it
        but unfortuneately people seem to remember all the ones that are ###x
        these poems only take three mins each but i have no idea why i write so many i must be mad
        most are writen when im ecstactically happy or or very sad

        yesterdays defeat really hurt my feelings i had been so happy in anticipation
        today i awoke to feel like a old age man with constipation
        om sure i aged ten years watching mathew fryatts sheer brilliance
        we so much neaded gavin and ben watson we needed there resiliance

        its just sods law that them and rowly couldnt play last night
        thats leicesters defence was just too tight
        gav rowly and ben would have cut through there midfield like a hot knife through butter
        I know what your thinking ...SHUT UP YOU NUTTER


        • #19
          You definately have a gift Dexter.
          U maybe mad but u seem to have a gift to produce a poem for any ocassion fair play and keep up the good work.
          You make things sound so simple and when you smile you show a lovely dimple.
          See what I did then ;)
          I played sunday league football today.

          Clearly I was the best player on the pitch.

          I scored 5 and made 7 last ditch tackles.

          We lost 5-0 but the rest of my team were sh it!


          • #20

            well im not sure whether this poetry is a gift or a curse
            the first poem i ever wrote was when kyren prince died that was the first verse
            when everyone on the dot org said, that poem is out of this world, i didnt know what to say
            for some reason at the age of 52 years og age, i had become a poet i write them night and day

            im into spiritualism, have i been taken over by a poets spirit, i just dont know
            if so can this be made into monetary gain,can any body please show
            perhaps the sirpiechucker can arrange then into a book
            but im frightened knowbody will look

            can i make some money out of this wow wow wow
            but somebody needs to show me how

            but untill that happens ill just be old broken nose the man with no brain
            i hate to think how much money im losing going down the drain


            • #21


              • #22

                tomorrow we beat palace six nil and losing goes out the window..................................... them south londoners are gonna find out we can show
                a clean set of heals and a bulging net
                this will be a game there gonna want to forget


                • #23
                  flav says gi gi

                  flav says gi gi whats going on
                  gi gi says yes the magic aura has gone
                  flav says gianni what are you talking about
                  gi gi says its bill power he wont come out

                  flav says go get him and tell him, failure is not an option understand,
                  er he says hes in converlescence.he dosnt want to buy a new stand
                  hey you tel him, COME NOW, or we make him an offer he cant refuse
                  you tell him ,without him we are finished,how can he just sit there and watch us lose

                  gi gi says ,flav lets us try to act as normal,sometomes in life everyone loses.
                  perhaps you should go play on your yatch................. and plan some cruises
                  flav goes crazy,his face glows red,hes like a kettle,steam blows out of his ears
                  then he jumps up in the air,crashes to the floor,and ends up in tears

                  ok ok ok......flav you always get your own way in the end
                  but you do realise its really hard being your friend
                  but bill power wont come, unless we give him two litres of caviar
                  yes yes yes... do it..and yes ...go and buy him a brand new car

