1. Please
2. Stop
3. Trying
4. To
5. Predict
6. The
7. Final
8. Championship
9. Table
10. Positions
11. It’s
12. Only
13. January
14. For
15. Pete’s
16. Sake
17. There
18. Are
19. Over
20. Three
21. Months
22. To
23. Go.
24. Reading
2. Stop
3. Trying
4. To
5. Predict
6. The
7. Final
8. Championship
9. Table
10. Positions
11. It’s
12. Only
13. January
14. For
15. Pete’s
16. Sake
17. There
18. Are
19. Over
20. Three
21. Months
22. To
23. Go.
24. Reading