Well I've done it. Signed up.
After following the site for some time I've lacked the motivation to tackle the formalities to post.
I've seen the elation that has greeted the start of this season. I am surprised and pleased - long may it continue. But I've also witnessed the short shrift given to doubters, whilst I've wanted to add my view. However, with the International break, and that soon it may be too late, without further ado.....
Over many years I have watched Rangers start brightly filling play off or table topping positions during August and September, flattering to deceive, I believe the phrase is. October dawns, and invariably by Christmas I am looking at mid-table. Our position worsens as the new year wears on. Around Spring a re-awakening brings hope, but I am still looking over my shoulder, counting off games, and calculating the maximum points of the clubs below us.
Of course, this year is always different.
That is why,
I remain,
Well, that's me. Hello all!
After following the site for some time I've lacked the motivation to tackle the formalities to post.
I've seen the elation that has greeted the start of this season. I am surprised and pleased - long may it continue. But I've also witnessed the short shrift given to doubters, whilst I've wanted to add my view. However, with the International break, and that soon it may be too late, without further ado.....
Over many years I have watched Rangers start brightly filling play off or table topping positions during August and September, flattering to deceive, I believe the phrase is. October dawns, and invariably by Christmas I am looking at mid-table. Our position worsens as the new year wears on. Around Spring a re-awakening brings hope, but I am still looking over my shoulder, counting off games, and calculating the maximum points of the clubs below us.
Of course, this year is always different.
That is why,
I remain,
Well, that's me. Hello all!