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Steve Bruce Has Quit As Hull Manager.

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  • #16
    I wonder what promises he told Crystal Palace before walking out a few months later to go to Birmingham without any explanation. Still undecided if he is a decent manager or not.


    • #17
      Would you have Bruce over jfh? I'm not being a smartar.se btw. I would


      • #18
        He has a few promotions from this league, possibly would take him at the moment but who knows what money we have to spend at the moment.


        • #19
          I'd have him over JFH every day of the week.

          Not saying I want that. Talking hypothetically.


          • #20
            If we was in for a change I have Voy in a flash but don't think he'd have us not the D o F anyhow , so Jimbo is safe


            • #21
              Seems very principalled as he has resigned from a lot of clubs.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Jimmy Floyd Rabbit View Post
                I'd have him over JFH every day of the week.

                Not saying I want that. Talking hypothetically.
                I'm worrying that I'd take anyone over JFH at the moment.... Not a great way to go into the season.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Garyd73 View Post
                  I wonder what promises he told Crystal Palace before walking out a few months later to go to Birmingham without any explanation. Still undecided if he is a decent manager or not.
                  i was playing for Palace at the time Steve Bruce was there (under 14s from memory) and remember when he came in and completely wiped out the youth structure. got rid of 11s-16s in one hit. Everyone just told to not bother coming back. Think they put it all back in place after he farked off and clearly done well with their youngsters in recent times.

                  So there you go, Steve Bruce is the reason i aint a pro!

