If you leave a club whilst in contract, then that contract ends and a new one begins. The player does not get his wages paid up for the full term of his old.contract. No player can be forced to leave under contravt unless they sack him, he doesn't have to agree personal terms. If he got sacked, then his contravt would be paid until.he found a new club, it is the same.with managers. For example Di Matteo decided to not take a job until he was no longer being paid by Chelsea. Once that set of payments were up he took the Schalke job. Now sometimes there are settlements between club and manager and this is because the club is trying to pay the manager less than they would have to if he decided to not find a new job. Therefore good for both parties as the manager gets old wage partially and also can manage again, and the club spends less than they may have had to.