Originally posted by West London is Rss
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Lack of footballing, sensible knowledge because we do t ha e the same opinion as you.
I bet I played a higher standard of football you ever did, have mates that play at the top level and contacts that are respected football journalists of which many think warnock was the right bloke for the job and don't understand the jfh appointment. Many would argue because of their close connection to the game they would have a far better perspective than yours.
However it's just a opinion and not a lack of knowledge which is just a p*** taking comment that you believe your opinion is more valid than others!
Just come to terms that many people out there including our own fans, ex players, current players and in the media think Warnock was perfect for us as I'm sure there are plenty in the same category who think as you do but do not put it down to lack of knowledge.