Originally posted by skranger
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Deal for Washington close
Originally posted by hh9 View PostI thought a lot of people in here wanted to sign young lower league players
3 mil - Think its about right. if done and dusted quickly would be a massive plus and good work by the club.
Originally posted by Ramsey is god View Postexactly! was all the talk before, but now its happening those who slate the club 24/7 go silent or still continue to moan.
3 mil - Think its about right. if done and dusted quickly would be a massive plus and good work by the club.nsa/cia spy on this..............┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐
Originally posted by Hitman34 View Posti dont think so mate. check my posts on this thread..........."What stats allow you to do is not take things at face value. The idea that I trust my eyes more than the stats, I just don't buy that because I've seen magicians pull rabbits out of hats and I know I just know that rabbit's not in there." - Billy Beane
Now saying we've been given permission to talk to the player to discuss terms.
Originally posted by nasser95 View PostTo be fair hits, I recall you slating Luongo in the summer as a Bargain Bucket, league one Player.nsa/cia spy on this..............┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐
Know nothing much about him but 15 goals this season and JFH has just joined us from League One so hopefully knows about him. We need young, hungry players so maybe not such a bad move. Sign him and get half decent loan signing for more competition up top and that is our strikers sorted out for the rest of the season.