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Two insightful bits of info from Friday night

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Kevin Mcleod View Post
    They interviewed loads
    Actually a respect thing. They told him he wasn't their man for whatever reason (wrong profile), that gave NW a chance to save face by issuing the statement. We don't know one way or the other.

    What I do know, which is what I said at the time, if the priority was a seat at the big table and access to the new prem TV money, I would have begged NW to stay. Remember, post Ramsey the club cited promotion as the aim. And then NW goes, enter JFH. You couldn't make this stuff up.


    • #17
      Originally posted by hal9thou View Post
      Actually a respect thing. They told him he wasn't their man for whatever reason (wrong profile), that gave NW a chance to save face by issuing the statement. We don't know one way or the other.

      What I do know, which is what I said at the time, if the priority was a seat at the big table and access to the new prem TV money, I would have begged NW to stay. Remember, post Ramsey the club cited promotion as the aim. And then NW goes, enter JFH. You couldn't make this stuff up.
      What we do know as a bona fide fact is that Neil Warnock said publicly untold times he does not want the job, that's ALL we know


      • #18
        I recall NW saying that he wished he had a say on whoever was appointed as a new manager. He even suggested that the ex-Leicester boss was the best option. So it just goes to show that he was not interested in being here long term.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Martinmalta View Post
          I recall NW saying that he wished he had a say on whoever was appointed as a new manager. He even suggested that the ex-Leicester boss was the best option. So it just goes to show that he was not interested in being here long term.
          Not as manager ! Marty


          • #20
            Originally posted by hal9thou View Post
            Actually a respect thing. They told him he wasn't their man for whatever reason (wrong profile), that gave NW a chance to save face by issuing the statement. We don't know one way or the other.

            What I do know, which is what I said at the time, if the priority was a seat at the big table and access to the new prem TV money, I would have begged NW to stay. Remember, post Ramsey the club cited promotion as the aim. And then NW goes, enter JFH. You couldn't make this stuff up.
            Ha you say you couldn't make it up then try this one for size Ferdinand gives Ramsey a man with NO managerial experience a 3 year deal sacks him then gives JFH a man with some experience of management a 1 year contract


            • #21
              Originally posted by Ramsey is god View Post
              NW consistently said he didnt want the job full time.

              Not sure why so many just ignore the words that came out of his mouth. If he wanted the job, he would have said. End of story
              That's not true, Ramsey is technical director. He never said that. Not once. Let alone consistently. He didn't say publicly he wanted it either. Nor publicly lobbied for it. Kept saying he was here to help out etc. But he never said he didn't want the job. Or that he wouldn't take it.


              • #22
                Originally posted by hal9thou View Post
                I never believed NW wanted out, irrespective of hearsay.
                The interview Warnock gave after the reading result looked like he would have taken the job and I think it was on talksport or 5 live the next morning he definitely sounded like he wanted it.

                I recall one comment being something along the lines of "any chairman out there listening" etc etc... Which would lead you to believe he still wants to be in the game.


                • #23
                  Ive already posted a couple of his interviews on other threads dealing with the ...NW did he want the job or not question.

                  He did say when he joined to help CR that "permenant management doesn't interest me any more" , it's not really an ambiguous statement, it must be read as he doesn't want to be a permanent manager. As Kev Mc said what business offers permanent management to a bloke who CV says "not interested".

                  Everything the club went through with Rio where family takes precedence over football could potentially re-surface if we did force NW to sign. What would have happened if performances dipped and he said cant be around in March as I've got personal matters, same posters saying now we should of got him permanent, would be the same complaining that he weren't interested.

                  A large portion of the fanbase turned against him the first time (not me) and he had got us up for the first time in 15 years, God knows what the reaction would be this time round.

                  Also the argument that what he said wasn't what he meant but he was being clever doesn't make sense as on the one hand he's a straight talking Northerner but when it suits us he isn't that straight talking.

                  I accept after the Reading match he was excited but that was the emotion and he knew JFH was in so could relax, of course he wants to be in football he is football but an interview straight after a game is high drama and he did agree with the interviewer that he only wanted an advisory role.

                  From it all and no one knows apart from the handful Involved in the talks, I think he wanted a temporary advisory role to go along with the new manager but I don't think JFH wanted that and it makes sense, same way Sir Alex completely seperated from the footballing side of the club when he retired, most new appointments wouldn't want that scenario.

                  As to Sir Les, people have just put 2+2 together to blame Sir Les with no evidence. As much as one can say Les F is the reason NW wasn't chosen (no evidence to substantiate this) It is equallyplausible that the only reason NW returned was due to Sir Les. Sir Les had nothing to do with his sacking in 2012 and clearly NW departed feeling let down, it could be that Sir Les said things have changed come back and offered the olive branch which NW duly accepted. However it's easier just to blame Sir Les for everything.


                  • #24
                    Excellent post tblock mate, straight to the point and not in any way in the realist or happy clapper camp.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by TBLOCKRANGER View Post
                      Ive already posted a couple of his interviews on other threads dealing with the ...NW did he want the job or not question.

                      He did say when he joined to help CR that "permenant management doesn't interest me any more" , it's not really an ambiguous statement, it must be read as he doesn't want to be a permanent manager. As Kev Mc said what business offers permanent management to a bloke who CV says "not interested".

                      Everything the club went through with Rio where family takes precedence over football could potentially re-surface if we did force NW to sign. What would have happened if performances dipped and he said cant be around in March as I've got personal matters, same posters saying now we should of got him permanent, would be the same complaining that he weren't interested.

                      A large portion of the fanbase turned against him the first time (not me) and he had got us up for the first time in 15 years, God knows what the reaction would be this time round.

                      Also the argument that what he said wasn't what he meant but he was being clever doesn't make sense as on the one hand he's a straight talking Northerner but when it suits us he isn't that straight talking.

                      I accept after the Reading match he was excited but that was the emotion and he knew JFH was in so could relax, of course he wants to be in football he is football but an interview straight after a game is high drama and he did agree with the interviewer that he only wanted an advisory role.

                      From it all and no one knows apart from the handful Involved in the talks, I think he wanted a temporary advisory role to go along with the new manager but I don't think JFH wanted that and it makes sense, same way Sir Alex completely seperated from the footballing side of the club when he retired, most new appointments wouldn't want that scenario.

                      As to Sir Les, people have just put 2+2 together to blame Sir Les with no evidence. As much as one can say Les F is the reason NW wasn't chosen (no evidence to substantiate this) It is equallyplausible that the only reason NW returned was due to Sir Les. Sir Les had nothing to do with his sacking in 2012 and clearly NW departed feeling let down, it could be that Sir Les said things have changed come back and offered the olive branch which NW duly accepted. However it's easier just to blame Sir Les for everything.

                      Some here will attempt to argue that all away with some fantasy about how their 3rd cousin's butcher's sister saw NW in the park kick a ball back to some kids so clearly he wanted the job.
                      "What stats allow you to do is not take things at face value. The idea that I trust my eyes more than the stats, I just don't buy that because I've seen magicians pull rabbits out of hats and I know I just know that rabbit's not in there." - Billy Beane


                      • #26
                        So..... When Neil is brought back in to 'assist' the PE teacher he's meant to say, 'Yeah I definitely want to get back into full time management. In fact I'm hoping that this fool who doesn't know what he's doing is fired, so I can replace him....' Get real. And then, having stabilized the club over four games, stopped a leaky defense shipping goals, knowing that Les doesn't want him/ won't appoint him/ wants another novice who will be subordinate to him, Neil is supposed to say, 'I've done a good job. I would like to have the job full time'. No. The man has pride. Get real again. What people say publicly isn't necessarily what they think privately. If he'd been offered the job he would have taken it. With both hands. He wasn't, so he didn't. And here we are. Not once did he definitively say he wanted the job nor that he didn't want it. Not once.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by superhooper View Post
                          Don't post much here as I dont get much time these days but:

                          Sandro had a bust up on Friday pre-match hence the hoo-har about being named as a sub and then removed. He wasn't injured and did not have a cold... Dont think he was happy about being on the bench and there was fireworks pre-match. It will be interesting to see if he plays again under JFH.

                          Heard Kevin Blackwell talking to a bloke in the press area (seemed a very nice bloke) who was at the QPR game on Friday. Heard him say he gave up a good coaching role abroad to come and work with Neil and thought it would be for longer. He said Neil Warnock very, very, very much wanted the QPR job full time. Ignore the guff about his wife is ill and he wanted to look after her (true but bot the real truth) or any nonsense like that. JFH was very much a LF appointment.

                          Happy new year. I'm off on a posting for another six months so won't get a chance to respond.
                          I don't believe you.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Rangers77 View Post
                            And here we are. Not once did he definitively say he wanted the job nor that he didn't want it. Not once.
                            The straght talkimg northerner who's been banned and fined for straight talking now plays Jedi mind games.

                            Here mate. Says it LOUDAND AND CLEAR on sky and talk sport.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Kevin Mcleod View Post
                              The straght talkimg northerner who's been banned and fined for straight talking now plays Jedi mind games.

                              Here mate. Says it LOUDAND AND CLEAR on sky and talk sport.

                              None of those 'statements' are remotely definitive. Let alone loud and clear. Headlines aren't backed up by any quote. There's no quote of him saying he didn't want the job. Only that he wasn't expecting to get it. Those two things are different. Of course he wasn't going to apply for the job. As in 'put his cv in'. Once it became clear they- Les- weren't going to ask him he never publicly lobbied for it. I think he privately lobbied for it, but I've no proof of that. Publicly campaigning for something he wasn't going to get was, rightly, beneath him. I really wish we'd appointed him.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Rangers77 View Post
                                So..... When Neil is brought back in to 'assist' the PE teacher he's meant to say, 'Yeah I definitely want to get back into full time management. In fact I'm hoping that this fool who doesn't know what he's doing is fired, so I can replace him....' Get real. And then, having stabilized the club over four games, stopped a leaky defense shipping goals, knowing that Les doesn't want him/ won't appoint him/ wants another novice who will be subordinate to him, Neil is supposed to say, 'I've done a good job. I would like to have the job full time'. No. The man has pride. Get real again. What people say publicly isn't necessarily what they think privately. If he'd been offered the job he would have taken it. With both hands. He wasn't, so he didn't. And here we are. Not once did he definitively say he wanted the job nor that he didn't want it. Not once.
                                I agree you don't want to undermine the bloke already in office but NW goes much further and says permanent management doesn't interest me. He could have come back and said I'm helping out, I'm just here temporary ( then if Ramsey goes says I wouldn't mind permanent) but he's saying what he says to rule himself out early doors.
                                Mclaran was out of football he helps out Arry he doesn't start saying permanent football doesn't interest me. He uses the opportunity to do well and ends up at Derby. Hoddle does a temporary role can't here him ruling himself out.
                                Football is full of experienced coaches helping out, Gerry Francis is well off and just helps out Pullis, even he doesn't rule himself out even though he looks happy enough.
                                If Ian Dowie had turned up at QPR and said I don't want a permanent position, we would have all be relieved and said great he made it clear and we can sleep easy/move on, somehow some simply can't accept NW didn't want a permanent role even though everything I have read/seen on interview confirms this.
                                Last edited by TBLOCKRANGER; 05-01-2016, 09:32 AM.

