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Two insightful bits of info from Friday night

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  • Two insightful bits of info from Friday night

    Don't post much here as I dont get much time these days but:

    Sandro had a bust up on Friday pre-match hence the hoo-har about being named as a sub and then removed. He wasn't injured and did not have a cold... Dont think he was happy about being on the bench and there was fireworks pre-match. It will be interesting to see if he plays again under JFH.

    Heard Kevin Blackwell talking to a bloke in the press area (seemed a very nice bloke) who was at the QPR game on Friday. Heard him say he gave up a good coaching role abroad to come and work with Neil and thought it would be for longer. He said Neil Warnock very, very, very much wanted the QPR job full time. Ignore the guff about his wife is ill and he wanted to look after her (true but bot the real truth) or any nonsense like that. JFH was very much a LF appointment.

    Happy new year. I'm off on a posting for another six months so won't get a chance to respond.

  • #2
    Awaits QPR fanbase meltdown.


    • #3
      what a load of old bawlocks. quite remarkable that you happened to overhear all of this quite sensitive information......se ya in 6 months
      Last edited by Guest; 04-01-2016, 03:32 PM.


      • #4
        Interesting when someone comes in, makes a statement to send everyone here into a frenzy, then leaves again so they don't have to deal with any backlash.
        "What stats allow you to do is not take things at face value. The idea that I trust my eyes more than the stats, I just don't buy that because I've seen magicians pull rabbits out of hats and I know I just know that rabbit's not in there." - Billy Beane


        • #5
          Time will tell with what he says about Sandro, I'm not sure we will ever know about Warnock unless he says something publicly!


          • #6
            If Warnock really wanted the job long-term but was booted out by Les and Co, this outcome is shameful and its repercussions look to be disastrous.
            Banning people is no longer my hobby,
            but take a look at my photo blog:


            How and why did I start supporting QPR in Estonia:


            • #7
              I never believed NW wanted out, irrespective of hearsay.


              • #8
                NW consistently said he didnt want the job full time.

                Not sure why so many just ignore the words that came out of his mouth. If he wanted the job, he would have said. End of story


                • #9
                  Originally posted by nasser95 View Post
                  Interesting when someone comes in, makes a statement to send everyone here into a frenzy, then leaves again so they don't have to deal with any backlash.
                  I'm still here. My posting dont start until Friday.

                  Sending people into a frenzy and not dealing with backlash? If you want to get you knickers in a twist over what I've posted then thats your drama to deal with. As of the weekend I'll have far more REAL problems to deal with than a bunch of keyboard warriors.

                  'Quite remarkable that you happened to overhear all of this quite sensitive information......'
                  Given where I was in the ground, Kevin Blackwell was quite open and honest with quite a lot of people who were speaking to him.


                  • #10
                    Interesting info fella cheers for posting.

                    Not quite sure why people get so uptight, you either believe what's posted or you don't.

                    As for Warnock he did come out a few times and say it was a job for a younger man these days so not 100% sure he really pushed for it.

                    As for Les choosing JFH lets hope it was because of his ability and not his colour.


                    • #11
                      You forgot to add something about the jet rumours mate


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ramsey is god View Post
                        Not sure why so many just ignore the words that came out of his mouth. If he wanted the job, he would have said.
                        Not if he knew he wasn't in the mix. It really is incredible how many people believe what they read in the papers / online. The truth is that no one knows for sure what went down.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by hal9thou View Post
                          Not if he knew he wasn't in the mix. It really is incredible how many people believe what they read in the papers / online. The truth is that no one knows for sure what went down.
                          They interviewed loads so how would he know he wasnt in the mix (anyome implying its cos he's not black?).
                          Surely going for an interview saying you don't want the job hardly helps you get appointed does it, if it does I'm going for it in my next job interview.

                          "Well kevin why do you want to work for our company."
                          "I don't you fat snooty mug."
                          "Correct answer, can you start tomorrow lad."


                          • #14
                            Maidstone says there is a split behind the scene's and I for one believe that is the case , Warnock a Mittal man Ferdinand a Fernandes man , QPR is a vehicle to get a slice of the old oak development scheme , IMO there is more to run on who gets control


                            • #15
                              So Neil wanted the job but pretended he didn't and Charlie isn't really injured and is limping about as a trick. Only on here i swear.
                              Anyone think the states flew the planes into the twin towers themselves while we are here?

