Originally posted by Hove Ranger
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Originally posted by Hove Ranger View PostYeah probably Westy. I just dont get why he's here. He has gone to the effort of setting up an account just to tell us sunderland isnt a $hithole but not offering us any reason why it isnt. Just telling us Shepherds bush is a $hithole. cant see where this is going tbh
Shepherds Bush hahahaha
Originally posted by Bluehoop View PostPost reported, presumably because someone defended their Club and home when abused? Can't throw the dirt if you don't want it back chaps. Play nicely and I'm sure it will be reciprocated. The forum is open to away fans so long as they don't cause problems and thus far, Mr Jardine has only retorted so that's fine. If he steps over the line then things will change but until then can we all keep it civil
As for not doing weekender's in Sunderland because Newcastle is better, perhaps you should sample the delights of South Shields on a Friday night - a top night out with some pretty game "Port Lasses"
As for south shields every place has its loose woman however Mr Jardine failed to highlight this with all the other delights it could be a game changer and elevate Sunderland above Port Vale which is another dump
Originally posted by West Acton View PostAnd you make my point perfectly only locals do Sunderland anyone playing you stays out of town the trip to the stadium of light is actually an inconvenience on the weekend
Originally posted by West Acton View PostDon't think anything has been said which needs reporting that I have read
As for south shields every place has its loose woman however Mr Jardine failed to highlight this with all the other delights it could be a game changer and elevate Sunderland above Port Vale which is another dump
Have you actually looked around?
Originally posted by Mr_Jardine View PostExcept the seafront, the proximity to Newcastle and Durham. The main railway line. The riversides. The architecture. The people.
Shepherds Bush hahahaha
We got railways in London too and airports and a big b loody river called the Thames and more importantly the financial muscle of the UK
Wait to Facto catches up with this thread then the fun will begin
Originally posted by West Acton View PostDon't think anything has been said which needs reporting that I have read
As for south shields every place has its loose woman however Mr Jardine failed to highlight this with all the other delights it could be a game changer and elevate Sunderland above Port Vale which is another dumpThe message woke me from the chore of proof reading some very dull documents
All I was saying is play nice everyone and it shouldn't be a problem and I can stay bored with what I'm doing
As for the women mate, they're not all loose, but tie a plank to your feet if you get worried#standuptocancer
Originally posted by Mr_Jardine View PostIt seems you have a problem with anywhere that isn't within your presumably small world.
Have you actually looked around?
I'm not defending London per say and its not all milk and honey and I have visited some proper horrid dives in the capital
Originally posted by West Acton View PostExtensively mate and there are some blinding locations in London and believe it or not outside of it but Sunderland I am afraid is not one of them regardless how much you protest.
I'm not defending London per say and its not all milk and honey and I have visited some proper horrid dives in the capital
We like it here, we have the coast and some countryside as well as quality people.