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Monsieur Barton already looking to clear off

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Shania View Post
    agreed, and as far as I´m concerned Barton is needed here if he wants to stay. We can´t shift the Whole spine of the team. Look at Fulham.
    You can shift the whole spine of the team when that spine is crumbling


    • #47
      Originally posted by Shania View Post
      agreed, and as far as I´m concerned Barton is needed here if he wants to stay. We can´t shift the Whole spine of the team. Look at Fulham.
      Yeah that was what i was trying to say shan, but you did it better than me.


      • #48
        I like JB, despite the shortcomings bemoaned above, because it's clear he gives a crap about playing, giving his all. Beyond Hill, Dunne and a few others, who else on this team merits this description?


        • #49
          Not sure what all the fuss is about, he is out of contract, so he is clearly going to be looking for another job if he hasn't been told the club want to renew his contract, any of us would do that ? Not a huge Barton fan as he is a time bomb and has let us down too many times with his inability to remain cool but I don't see anything wrong with trying to find another job.


          • #50
            Simple really, if you live in the real world,your contract is up shortly so you start to look around doesn't mean you are off anywhere or that it would not happen in any other industry but hey as its Joey Barton lets #### him off, compare him with those at this club that have and do now merely take their money without putting in any effort, just because of his disciplinary record also forget that since he has comeback from Marseille he has been spoken highly of by all those he comes into contact with on a daily basis at the club. Whilst he might not be the best midfielder in the premiership he is certainly nowhere near the worst and whilst we may not have won with him in the team the performance has without doubt improved when he has been there. We are in the championship next season and he is certainly good enough for that and talking of Fulham would much rather have him than Scot Parker.
            Would all or any of those that have condemned him for "unreasonably" sounding out other clubs with his current contract coming to an end - if the wonderful press have got it right- do any different if it were them - I very much doubt it!
            No one pulls my strings 😉


            • #51
              Joey's response

              Joseph Barton @Joey7Barton ·

              I have 100% focus on QPR and always will until told otherwise. When the time is right we will sit down and discuss the future.

              Joseph Barton @Joey7Barton ·

              First I've heard of a conversation between President Labrune and my agent today. Never had a clue that it happened till I read it today.

              Joseph Barton @Joey7Barton ·

              I am still of the belief that if you're part of a team that goes down. You should try to help them back up. But that decision is not mine.

              Joseph Barton @Joey7Barton ·

              We have two games left to play this season and it's important we respond to abject performance in the right manner.

              Joseph Barton @Joey7Barton

              A lot of people talking on here like they've been involved in contract/transfer negotiations. Not sure how when you work in Sainsbury's.

              Joseph Barton @Joey7Barton ·

              Remember Football Manager isn't reality. Stick to picking your Fantasy Football team. Leave the real stuff to those paid to do it... ����'s


              • #52
                "First I've heard of a conversation between President Labrune and my agent today. Never had a clue that it happened till I read it today."

                Ha ha ha ha ha ... ha ha ha.
                Banning people is no longer my hobby,
                but take a look at my photo blog:


                How and why did I start supporting QPR in Estonia:


                • #53
                  Not being funny but isnt that the exact kind of attitude we need from our players if we are going to be a table topping side. Hes just actually come out and said hes staying if the club wants him. I know hes not everyones cup of tea, bit hes good for qpr imho.


                  • #54
                    Now is he having a twitter ruck with Rodney Marsh.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by JJB View Post
                      Now is he having a twitter ruck with Rodney Marsh.
                      Hes really letting him have it. Bloody hell.


                      • #56
                        He is now getting abused by Sainsbury employees on Twitter after his Sainsbury's comment.

                        My favourite so far is....

                        @Joey7Barton @Knighty44 Is it not possible to be transferred from one Sainsbury's branch to another?
                        Minds Are Like Parachutes.
                        Work Best When Open...


                        • #57
                          Lest not forgot, that you the members of this forum voted him WeAreTheRangersBoys.com
                          Player of the Year 2013/14
                          Minds Are Like Parachutes.
                          Work Best When Open...


                          • #58
                            And can't you tell how pleased he was - by the look on his face it look like he was just handed a piece of turd!


                            • #59
                              I don't get this forum, first we don't want mercenaries who play for themselves, then when someone is pointing out that they are ready and willing to stay and help the club in a lower division (a division he proved very useful in last year (hence WATRB POTY)) people turn their nose up? Beggars belief


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by AH08 View Post
                                I don't get this forum, first we don't want mercenaries who play for themselves, then when someone is pointing out that they are ready and willing to stay and help the club in a lower division (a division he proved very useful in last year (hence WATRB POTY)) people turn their nose up? Beggars belief
                                Because he has cost the club 11 million plus in wages in his 4 years and has generally been poor and a liability
                                We Are The People.....

