sam allardice brought west ham up and kept them up
mark warburtan is a complete package,he wants to spend time bringing the youth through,which could be a terrible risk he may spend 4 years building
a promotion team only to see all his dreams get destroyed
im incapable of knowing which one of these is tonies dream manager,but it looks like its going to be mark warburtan because his whole staff have given notice to
to quit in the summer
i just cant believe how so many top managers get teams promoted only to see them slaughterd in the prem that the importance of maybe getting alladyce
if it was between these two who would you chose
mark warburtan is a complete package,he wants to spend time bringing the youth through,which could be a terrible risk he may spend 4 years building
a promotion team only to see all his dreams get destroyed
im incapable of knowing which one of these is tonies dream manager,but it looks like its going to be mark warburtan because his whole staff have given notice to
to quit in the summer
i just cant believe how so many top managers get teams promoted only to see them slaughterd in the prem that the importance of maybe getting alladyce
if it was between these two who would you chose