What other manager could have survived with such a record? I know I'm repeating what others have said, but as each day goes by I am more and more baffled as to why he's still here. What kind of hold does he exert over the hapless Tony Fernandes? Months ago I wrote that Harold must have the Indian sign over Tony, have him mesmerised like a snake under the charmer's spell, because whatever he does, he seems immune.
I just don't get how a supposedly successful businessman like TF accepts it. The endlessly swelling backroom staff - what kind of wages are they on, let alone the superannuated players who rarely play? Tony said he learnt his lessons after the Hughes debacle, but clearly he didn't. For me it was a chillingly significant moment pre-season, when TF smilingly announced that no way would we be buying Rio Ferdinand, we'd been down that route before, and yet 2 days later, we bought him. Harry got his way. Harry always gets his way. He has wormed his way into the rotten heart of QPR and only a good Wormwood Scrub will get rid of him.
I just don't get how a supposedly successful businessman like TF accepts it. The endlessly swelling backroom staff - what kind of wages are they on, let alone the superannuated players who rarely play? Tony said he learnt his lessons after the Hughes debacle, but clearly he didn't. For me it was a chillingly significant moment pre-season, when TF smilingly announced that no way would we be buying Rio Ferdinand, we'd been down that route before, and yet 2 days later, we bought him. Harry got his way. Harry always gets his way. He has wormed his way into the rotten heart of QPR and only a good Wormwood Scrub will get rid of him.