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zsggg - Caulker bust up with palace mob?

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  • #31
    Another story about nothing on the front page of the Sun.. Just a day in the life of for them.

    The government don't run this country, the fvcking journo ####s do!!


    • #32
      Obviously high class journalism as usual from the Super Soaraway.....

      Un-named man


      • #33
        The questions how the sun have got their hands on that picture from Rio's phone!.. Phone hacking journalism at its finest!


        • #34
          Originally posted by vespa View Post
          Some woman spilt a drink on Rio ,and it all kicked off allegedly
          Whatta sket.


          • #35
            Originally posted by West London is Rss View Post
            The questions how the sun have got their hands on that picture from Rio's phone!.. Phone hacking journalism at its finest!
            Rio tweeted it. Not their most difficult of hacks tbf


            • #36
              Surely the main concern is that these players feel the need to get on the sauce when their team is in a relegation fight I know we all have to relax and let of some steam but should they be putting them selfs in this position as professional players esp rio. I know we alll do it but I dont get paid 60k + a week and earn my living through the fitness of my body (mores the shame) although I open to offers? It is the media shite that are stirring this but seemsvlike a cover up "I fell and bumped my head " hummmm ...
              ..as long as they keep winning hope they gave the palace players a good hiding and worked as a team either way !


              • #37
                Originally posted by MYU View Post
                Has anyone seen ice on the floor in the evening yet?
                Yes - I believe it is under the 2 foot of snow outside my house.
                Minds Are Like Parachutes.
                Work Best When Open...


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Fraggy View Post
                  Yes - I believe it is under the 2 foot of snow outside my house.
                  But you can get away with slipping or falling over.


                  • #39
                    It iced up good style the other day here myu, around 7pm i had to leave the car ticking over on the drive to clear the windscreen of solid ice, didnt realise it was ice at first. .


                    • #40
                      Okay maybe he did take a fall then, I thought it was a cover up story.


                      • #41
                        I reckon Warnock and Punchon had a bust up in there over who takes penalties

                        #QPRJunglists #QPRPartybusmassive @epn1882chalet QPR - JUNGLE - DnB - Westside Hounslow


                        • #42
                          No smoke without fire . I think something definatly went on . Be honest is anyone surprised ?


                          • #43
                            I f ucking hate Palace and hope whatever did go on we came out on top and every Rangers player done his duty weighed in and put the boot in on anything that resembled an ultra and eagle or anything red & blue stripes


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by West Acton View Post
                              I f ucking hate Palace and hope whatever did go on we came out on top and every Rangers player done his duty weighed in and put the boot in on anything that resembled an ultra and eagle or anything red & blue stripes

                              tooooooo right I hate pala*se too

                              #QPRJunglists #QPRPartybusmassive @epn1882chalet QPR - JUNGLE - DnB - Westside Hounslow


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Greg1882 View Post
                                No smoke without fire . I think something definatly went on . Be honest is anyone surprised ?
                                Agreed something may have happened. The odd word here or there and Caulkers head was probably an accident.. The Sun have just blown it way out of proportion like they always do. The Sun have been very clever with this.. they knew full well what HR said about going out and Xmas parties and how everyone has a camera if the tiniest thing happens and sods law, something happens, and the press jump on it.. typical Rangers luck really.

                                There's a lot of good, funny, big ego'd characters in our bunch of players so when they go out, im not surprised something happens...
                                Last edited by West London is Rss; 09-12-2014, 04:33 PM.

