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The Reserves tonight

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  • The Reserves tonight

    Any news on that?

  • #2


    • #3
      Only that Adel was meana play but he never turned up.... Rumour on the streets.
      You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.


      • #4
        Originally posted by MattyRangers View Post
        Only that Adel was meana play but he never turned up.... Rumour on the streets.
        Telegraph has it. Not much detail.


        • #5
          And the Mirror

          The Moroccan had been handed the chance to prove himself over the 'overweight' jibe but was a conspicuous absentee from the R's Under-21 clash


          • #6
            We came back from 2 down
            You Rsssssss


            • #7
              Originally posted by Rangers77 View Post
              can we just not fine the cant or better still sack him for misconduct?
              nsa/cia spy on this..............┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐


              • #8
                Well I guess if this is true then he don't wish to be here, should cancel his contract and not pay him.


                • #9
                  QPR Wall shows the team sheet and he is nowhere to be found unfortunately
                  "What stats allow you to do is not take things at face value. The idea that I trust my eyes more than the stats, I just don't buy that because I've seen magicians pull rabbits out of hats and I know I just know that rabbit's not in there." - Billy Beane


                  • #10
                    My take on it is Adel wants out to play in Italy. The stumbling block being the transfer fee. Hoping to get released from his contract and then his agent can ##### him around Italy
                    I must away now, I can no longer tarry
                    This morning's tempest I have to cross
                    I must be guided without a stumble
                    Into the arms I love the most


                    • #11
                      i thought thats the under 21s. cant be the reserves otherwise the likes of swp and murphy would be playing
                      Rangers Til I Die
                      follow me at twitter.com/arthurqpr


                      • #12
                        Don't believe everthing written in papers. The true is still unkonwn.
                        QPR fan since1987



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Yousef View Post
                          Don't believe everthing written in papers. The true is still unkonwn.
                          Good point Mulder. Innocent till proven guilty. Really hope it was a valid reason. Such a talent.


                          • #14
                            Dont think he really has a plausable reason for missing the game if told to play unless injured? getting fed up of him dragging the clubs name through the dirt, obviously doesn't want to be here, get rid of the lazy #### now, the only thing is no one is prepared to pay the price we want for him, we may just have to cut him loose?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by dave58 View Post
                              Dont think he really has a plausable reason for missing the game if told to play unless injured? getting fed up of him dragging the clubs name through the dirt, obviously doesn't want to be here, get rid of the lazy #### now, the only thing is no one is prepared to pay the price we want for him, we may just have to cut him loose?
                              Is it the price we want for him or is it his wage demands??
                              SIR LESLIE FERDINAND!!

