Just my opinion but with a back four of
simpson----ned---caulker---yun we would be in far better shape. with only caulker to settle in and gell with the others, our defence would have been very balanced and well settled. but no, we chuck isla,caulker and rio together all in the defence and this is what you get, no understanding between them, totally unsetteled and no one knows what the farking other is doing.
with capt clint,dunne,max elmah,harriman and even bambi himself...toare. can someone point out what was the point in bringing in Rio?
If its prem experience, well dunne,clint and ned has that.
i just cant for the life of me understand why we signed this hasbeen player on 40k per wk.
i questioned it at the time..... correction i was dead against it at the time and i still am now.
simpson----ned---caulker---yun we would be in far better shape. with only caulker to settle in and gell with the others, our defence would have been very balanced and well settled. but no, we chuck isla,caulker and rio together all in the defence and this is what you get, no understanding between them, totally unsetteled and no one knows what the farking other is doing.
with capt clint,dunne,max elmah,harriman and even bambi himself...toare. can someone point out what was the point in bringing in Rio?
If its prem experience, well dunne,clint and ned has that.
i just cant for the life of me understand why we signed this hasbeen player on 40k per wk.
i questioned it at the time..... correction i was dead against it at the time and i still am now.