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Traore going to Crystal Palace

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  • #46
    quality goal at Bournemouth, but agree with the majority, he is one of many that can only play well a couple of times a season. Hoilett, Phillips and the legend SWP to name but three
    I must away now, I can no longer tarry
    This morning's tempest I have to cross
    I must be guided without a stumble
    Into the arms I love the most


    • #47
      Originally posted by lymehoop View Post
      quality goal at Bournemouth, but agree with the majority, he is one of many that can only play well a couple of times a season. Hoilett, Phillips and the legend SWP to name but three
      Think you are vastly overrating SWP there


      • #48
        Still allowed 2 domestic loans


        • #49

          He stays. Fine by me,just don't play him lb Harry


          • #50


            • #51
              Thought he was staying when he played yesterday


              • #52
                Originally posted by Rangers77 View Post
                Now there's a problem for you 77 - can hardly accuse him of being a disloyal foreigner now, can you...?


                • #53
                  I'm hoping we manage to get 1 of the Lb's were reportedly after then it may force Armand to rethink his stance on staying although there has been a massive improvement in his performances he's still sadly lacking something


                  • #54
                    I wonder how many player's would have left if given the opportunity last time we were in the prem....
                    SIR LESLIE FERDINAND!!


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by stainrodisalegend View Post
                      Now there's a problem for you 77 - can hardly accuse him of being a disloyal foreigner now, can you...?
                      Declining the opportunity to jump out of the frying pan into the fire doesn't make you loyal. I imagine its more to do with Palace being turned down. I'm not his biggest fan, but it fully accept his is a changed attitude, which I welcome. I'm disappointed by the insinuation in your post, Stains. Even if said in banter. Of the bilge and bile I too often post on here I have never objected to a player because of his nationality.


                      • #56
                        I am glad that he is staying, he is versatile and has pace. We need a few extra coming in before the transfer deadline, but if end up trying to sign five players at least a couple will be poor signings. I would rather we just try and get a couple of quality additions (I have been delighted with the signings so far) instead of trying to get a whole new team.


                        • #57
                          Loyalty aside simply not good enough, again even though he was only on the pitch a short while yesterday completely switched off and allowed an opportunity that Hill cleared over the bar late on. Also missed a excellent chance late on with a weak and misplaced shot.

                          Always injured and will cost us eventually if he stays simply not reliable so be best if he moved on.


                          • #58
                            he lacks bottle , can't defend and gets to far up the pitch then can't get back . always injured do i need to go on


                            • #59
                              Really don't rate him. Poor player in my opinion. Really fast but that's about it. Liability at left back and a pretty poor winger too. Sell him Arry


                              • #60
                                take the money, he is total cra p. but he did do an amazing cross 3 years ago.
                                nsa/cia spy on this..............┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐

