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Traore going to Crystal Palace

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Hitman34 View Post

    Phil Parry @philcparry

    #qpr boss Harry Redknapp says an offer has been accepted from Leicester for Danny Simpson.
    Now that is dumb.


    • #32
      with both going, i cant see HR playing 442 anytime soon.

      anyway, this made me laugh out loud. palace fan tweet...........

      Ryan Wallis @RyWalCP

      I can only hope that QPR reject our bid for Traore and we end our interest with immediate effect as a result.. #cpfc #qpr
      Yateley, Hampshire, United Kingdom
      nsa/cia spy on this..............┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐


      • #33
        Good riddance, awful player.

        Amazing that the club are gonna get a couple of mil for him.


        • #34
          How Arsenal ever convinced us to part with good money for him in the first place is beyond me. He got absolutely slaughtered playing for them in th televised match against Manure before he joined us (which Manure won 8-2, those were the days eh Manure fans!!) , and even our manager at the time (was it NW?) joked about hoping that was a one off....
          Last edited by Kevster269; 29-08-2014, 11:04 AM.
          2011-2013, 2 seasons in the Premiership, 76 games, 14 wins........two years of my life I'll never get back!!

          2013/2014 mediocrity topped off with a win at Wembley....

          2014/2015 was pretty much the same as 2011-2013.....

          2015/2016, average at best.....

          2016/2017, same old, same old....

          2017/2018, aim low, avoid disappointment!

          Its the hope that kills you!


          • #35
            What a brilliant piece of business getting rid of left and right full(wing)backs the day before we play Sunderland and with no time to get in some decent replacements.


            • #36
              matt philips and Ned next for warnkock?

              David McIntyre @davidmcintyre76

              So there you go; bids for #QPR players I've been hinting at, although Traore triggered by events (Warnock). Interest in Phillips& Onuoha too
              nsa/cia spy on this..............┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐


              • #37
                What kind of players is Warnock used to pick up - mainly hard workers I think
                He is trying to pick up players HR doesn´t want to use like Armand and Ned - neighter is HR signing so get rid


                • #38
                  We should tell Warnock to f ack off tbh. He can take dross like Traore and SWP whom he f acking saddled us with. Am getting narked at him now.


                  • #39
                    Maybe he could take Dunne who seems to have in his contract to be certain starting place this is why HR plays 3-5-2


                    • #40
                      We have very little pace as it is. Unless, we get in someone as pacey, if not pacier, than traore, then we really are in for a long hard season.


                      • #41
                        Goddamnit!!!!...it's the bl**dy sun.....was getting excited there for a min!


                        • #42
                          If Traore does go and it sounds very much as if the clubs told him its his call then i rekon the deal to bring the young Arsenal lad on loan will be done soon after


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by cowleyhoop View Post
                            If Traore does go and it sounds very much as if the clubs told him its his call then i rekon the deal to bring the young Arsenal lad on loan will be done soon after
                            How many loans we allowed this season?


                            • #44
                              Has Yun played AT ALL yet?


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Qprtanpa1 View Post
                                Has Yun played AT ALL yet?
                                SIR LESLIE FERDINAND!!

