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this season

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  • this season

    despite all our ups n downs and differences of opinions on here yesterday for me was my greatest moment supporting this club in over 45 years!....i was brought close to tears when clint n joey hoisted that trophy and i knew then you can have all the man utds,chelseas,arsenals, liverpools you want but i wouldnt swap anything with a supporter of those for what we wtnessed yesterday afternoon!
    you know nothing john snow!!!!

  • #2
    Our moments are more special then those you mention as ours are few and far between with little likelihood of picking up silverware from one season to another

    The big clubs take it for granted and don't know how spoilt they are


    • #3
      Me too!!! My misses came with me she's a manc and seen utd play there numerous times but never witnessed the sheer electric energy and atmosphere of yesterday!! Coming out of Wembley Park with the boy towards the Torch where I was her exact words as she waded through a sea of Drunk R'ss and beer cans with the chopper hovering above was " have I landed in Vietnam "

