I would love to see footage of his reaction to the late late winner from the O'S....
Schadenfreude at its best for most R's fans I'd wager and good to see Barry's boys get to the final and let's hope that both ends of London will be celebrating promotion eh.....
Still buzzing from being there last night and even the sh1tty weather couldn't dampen my spirits..... I felt 10ft tall walking along doing the school run and gradually and begrudging they all started having to provide me with an array of back handed complements....
Joel, the balding ginger and bespectacled Hammers fan who looks like a mate of mine called Toby so I call him this at various and increasingly awkward times, muttered something about us doing well to beat Derby..... I batted that one away by reminding him that The Seagulls had probably done their collective bananas just getting there and would be a completely different prospect with a fit and raring to go Charlie and an on fire Joey Barton.... He soon retreated and was duly swatted way....
Next was Danny the happy go lucky Gooner who, mistakenly thinks that because I support a London team that I must want them to win the cup..... WRONG.... my sister is a right old cow and massive Gooner and she once went out on a date with Steve Bruce .... she reckons that they only ever had a bit of a half drunk snog and grope so it would be great if he finally got to actually shaft her one after all these years..... He was jolly kind and quite praiseworthy and far more magnanimous than Toby.....
Last and not least was Paula the Liverpool fan whom, I got to within hairs' breath of having my wicked way with when we were 19..... her old man came downstairs and caught me on top of his daughter with my trousers down exposing my bare **** whilst fumbling around trying to enter said daughter..... He whacked me across the left leg and buttock with a bar stool and also punched me in the stomach.... Anyway, we've got over that now (although still have the odd chuckle now and again) and she was very sweet wishing the R's all the luck in the world in the final.....
Anyone else feel c.o.c.k of the walk today too.....

Schadenfreude at its best for most R's fans I'd wager and good to see Barry's boys get to the final and let's hope that both ends of London will be celebrating promotion eh.....
Still buzzing from being there last night and even the sh1tty weather couldn't dampen my spirits..... I felt 10ft tall walking along doing the school run and gradually and begrudging they all started having to provide me with an array of back handed complements....
Joel, the balding ginger and bespectacled Hammers fan who looks like a mate of mine called Toby so I call him this at various and increasingly awkward times, muttered something about us doing well to beat Derby..... I batted that one away by reminding him that The Seagulls had probably done their collective bananas just getting there and would be a completely different prospect with a fit and raring to go Charlie and an on fire Joey Barton.... He soon retreated and was duly swatted way....
Next was Danny the happy go lucky Gooner who, mistakenly thinks that because I support a London team that I must want them to win the cup..... WRONG.... my sister is a right old cow and massive Gooner and she once went out on a date with Steve Bruce .... she reckons that they only ever had a bit of a half drunk snog and grope so it would be great if he finally got to actually shaft her one after all these years..... He was jolly kind and quite praiseworthy and far more magnanimous than Toby.....
Last and not least was Paula the Liverpool fan whom, I got to within hairs' breath of having my wicked way with when we were 19..... her old man came downstairs and caught me on top of his daughter with my trousers down exposing my bare **** whilst fumbling around trying to enter said daughter..... He whacked me across the left leg and buttock with a bar stool and also punched me in the stomach.... Anyway, we've got over that now (although still have the odd chuckle now and again) and she was very sweet wishing the R's all the luck in the world in the final.....
Anyone else feel c.o.c.k of the walk today too.....
