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Just back - QPR vs Cardiff

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  • Just back - QPR vs Cardiff

    Before the game, I scoffed at one of the chaps who'd been filling himself with the fine ales of Cardiff before the game for this one prediction: "We'll win 2-0 today."

    Frankly, I wanted two things. The first was to get out of Cardiff without getting eaten alive by the Welsh hordes, and the second was for QPR to put on a performance that I wasn't ashamed of.

    I managed both.

    Before the game, the chaps in O'Neill's were really rather nice, directing us to a £6 cab ride to the ground. It's an HOK-inspired monstrosity, although with the higher roof, the noise from both sets of fans fairly banged off the ceiling. "Captain Jack" has never sounded so good - particularly when you're winning.

    Oh, and now onto the performance. Jay Simpson - last seen leaving in a white Bronco after the game with a fitting glove - scored both goals. If the first one - which looked to everyone except for the referee and linesman to be completely offside- the second one was pure class.

    Routledge- who started the first 15 minutes banned to the purgatory of the left hand side, decided to take over a free role, and shone out. He blew past four opposing fielders before firing a wonderful through ball to Simpson, who hammered it past a helpless Cardiff keeper David Marshall.

    At half-time, basking outside the away end in 20 degree temperatures with a fag in hand and a beverage in the other (the stewards - who were also men of the match today for their excellent treatment of the travelling support) - we couldn't believe it.

    In the first 15 minutes of the second half, it could have been 5-0. Seriously, five.

    Routledge had a shot cleared off the line immediately after the break and Vine - who's second half performance was night and day compared to that of his first - hit the post with a driving shot.

    We expected Cardiff to come. They didn't, simply restoring to long shots and simply not able to open us up. Michael Chopra, who, with the surname like that, should have inspired himself and others in the last 45 minutes, was non-existent, and no strings were being pulled, however hard the effort may have been.

    Buzacky had a free kick just curl next to the post, and then that was it.

    Comfortable? On reflection yes, but during the 90 mins (remind me that the mix of caffeine, nerves and a 2-0 half-time lead), not particularly.

    Are Rangers back? They might well be. Whatever happens, it sets up on hell of a game on Wednesday night.

  • #2
    oddly we were rarely in trouble and controlled the game..they looked flat and shocked

    great to see them leaving by the 100s from the 70th minute...as we gave it "loyal supporters"..... lol...


    • #3
      a good **** up on the way back with Vic & the boys on the coach a good day out only 4 days for the 'BIG' one

