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to all you harry out and infactomondo. .

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  • #31
    Originally posted by wortonranger View Post
    Why are we always so quick to have a go at each other? -after all, we are that happy band of brothers, the chosen few, the true elite in the pantheon of football supporters - we are the R's!
    "Happy band of brothers" hmmmmmmmmmmm where have i heard that before!!!!!!!!!

    think your on the wrong messageboard.
    nsa/cia spy on this..............┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐


    • #32
      Originally posted by Hitman34 View Post
      what planet are you on. was at the game yest, supported the team. and was very happy with the result. commented on here sat evening.

      still want ole saggy chops gone pronto as 1 convincing win does not mean that he is a genious.

      so, get your facts straight or just fark off.
      some right lil sados on here.. 1st thing they wana do after ONE WIN, is give it out to all the fans that aint been happy with Harry for valid reasons! wrong'ens


      • #33
        Originally posted by qprfc1 View Post
        at least I AM not on here posting a worthless thread every day
        Why choose yesterday to start then? Keep not posting, then you and everyone else will be happy chappys.


        • #34
          Originally posted by West London is Rss View Post
          some right lil sados on here.. 1st thing they wana do after ONE WIN, is give it out to all the fans that aint been happy with Harry for valid reasons! wrong'ens
          This is where you really do show yourself up as a bit of a nutjob mate. One win? One win? You say you go to every single game, though im really not sure about that, cos if you did you would know we have won a hell of alot more than we have lost. You need to control your crazy emotions against harry and remember that this is queens park rangers, and not harry fc, and will always be queens park rangers long after he is dead and buried. Our club, not his. When we win, i am farking over the moon and unlike you, he doesnt enter my brain not even for a millisecond. True Rangers fans enjoy the wins, not look for the negatives in the world like you and weare and hitman etc.
          Last edited by Kevin Mcleod; 14-04-2014, 12:34 PM.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Kevin Mcleod View Post
            This is where you really do show yourself up as a bit of a nutjob mate. One win? One win? You say you go to every single game, though im really not sure about that, cos if you did you would know we have won a hell of alot more than we have lost. You need to control your crazy emotions against harry and remember that this is queens park rangers, and not harry fc, and will always be queens park rangers long after he is dead and buried. Our club, not his. When we win, i am farking over the moon and unlike you, he doesnt enter my brain not even for a millisecond. True Rangers fans enjoy the wins, not look for the negatives in the world like you and weare etc.
            Ah OK.. so im a moaner, not a true rangers fan, I don't go to every game because I should know we win a lot and I need to remember its not harry fc.. oh and im not over the moon when we win.. fvck me you know me better than I know myself!.. is there anything else you think you might have missed out?


            • #36
              Hasn't Fraggy the mod already exposed this QPRFC1 fella as a fraud? alto ego of someone else on here?



              • #37
                Originally posted by West London is Rss View Post
                Ah OK.. so im a moaner, not a true rangers fan, I don't go to every game because I should know we win a lot and I need to remember its not harry fc.. oh and im not over the moon when we win.. fvck me you know me better than I know myself!.. is there anything else you think you might have missed out?
                That you are a very shy quiet type of bloke, who doesnt give his opinions out on public forums much. Did i miss that out?


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Kevin Mcleod View Post
                  That you are a very shy quiet type of bloke, who doesnt give his opinions out on public forums much. Did i miss that out?
                  haha keep going bud

