Presuming any penalties are based on this seasons figs and not the 2012/13 accounts then hopefully we will avoid any fines or transfer embargo`s.
Admittedly this is based on my back of a postage stamp calculations, but if they are any where near being right then we should be more than okay.
Based on the following.
2012/13- £65 million loss.
Which included expenditure of £40 million spent on players.
£72 million on salaries.
This season, I would expect we have cut our salary bill by at least circa 25% , so salaries would be down to £50m from £72 m (still crazy but better) saving £22 m.
Also presuming that the transfer fees from Samba etc covers the transfers in of Austin, Phillips, etc we should break even on transfer payments and therefore the club will be another £40 m better off expenditure wise than compared to last year.
So hopefully circa £62million pounds less expenditure this year than last!
That would leave the club only a £3m loss this year if revenue had been the same as last year.
However revenue has probably fallen by about £25 million . (£40 million PL/ TV income in 2012/13 to £20 m parachute payment for this season = drop of £20m plus say another £5m drop in ticket sales etc.
That would leave an overall loss of £23 million for this season.
I think , we are allowed to lose £8m on the season and can have a £5million pound board injection of cash before any fine kicks in, so the club only need to find about another £10m from either selling players like Remy, Granero, Mbia, or Inter Milan`s new superstar, etc or from other savings this year or via an improved sponsorship deal to easily avoid any fine.
So happy days and back to the madness!
Admittedly this is based on my back of a postage stamp calculations, but if they are any where near being right then we should be more than okay.
Based on the following.
2012/13- £65 million loss.
Which included expenditure of £40 million spent on players.
£72 million on salaries.
This season, I would expect we have cut our salary bill by at least circa 25% , so salaries would be down to £50m from £72 m (still crazy but better) saving £22 m.
Also presuming that the transfer fees from Samba etc covers the transfers in of Austin, Phillips, etc we should break even on transfer payments and therefore the club will be another £40 m better off expenditure wise than compared to last year.
So hopefully circa £62million pounds less expenditure this year than last!
That would leave the club only a £3m loss this year if revenue had been the same as last year.
However revenue has probably fallen by about £25 million . (£40 million PL/ TV income in 2012/13 to £20 m parachute payment for this season = drop of £20m plus say another £5m drop in ticket sales etc.
That would leave an overall loss of £23 million for this season.
I think , we are allowed to lose £8m on the season and can have a £5million pound board injection of cash before any fine kicks in, so the club only need to find about another £10m from either selling players like Remy, Granero, Mbia, or Inter Milan`s new superstar, etc or from other savings this year or via an improved sponsorship deal to easily avoid any fine.
So happy days and back to the madness!