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Connar Wickham to Leeds.

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  • Originally posted by West London is Rss View Post
    You aint a football fan if you think its 'just a game'... shame on you.
    aint? shame on you!!....but I digress.

    Been a football fan for well over half a century sonny, and its a game, and always has been as far as i'm aware.
    So, lets repeat this question, if it's not just a game to you, what is it? Do tell.


    • Dear oh dear. I really can't see the point in having a debate with you because it all defaults back to the same thing - the all knowing, always right west London is R's opinion, which without fail is correct. I certainly don't sit in silence but I always don't whinge like a pansy every two minutes. I go to pretty much every game home and away, every season and have an opinion on most things. What I don't do, is pretend to let others have a view and then counter it with the same lines of dross every time, as if to suggest that my line is the one and only one that has any merit. No doubt, your response will be very familiar so I don't think I shall bother again. If I could I would have you on ignore - perhaps just because it rhymes with bore


      • I also screamed from the rafters to get Wickham, but apparently Arry knows best!


        • Originally posted by Bluehoop View Post
          Dear oh dear. I really can't see the point in having a debate with you because it all defaults back to the same thing - the all knowing, always right west London is R's opinion, which without fail is correct. I certainly don't sit in silence but I always don't whinge like a pansy every two minutes. I go to pretty much every game home and away, every season and have an opinion on most things. What I don't do, is pretend to let others have a view and then counter it with the same lines of dross every time, as if to suggest that my line is the one and only one that has any merit. No doubt, your response will be very familiar so I don't think I shall bother again. If I could I would have you on ignore - perhaps just because it rhymes with bore
          Arrr mate do me a favour.. Boring boring bluehoop. Jog on son


          • Originally posted by Rebel R's View Post
            I also screamed from the rafters to get Wickham, but apparently Arry knows best!
            Do you know best though Reb?


            • Some Proper ar se holes on this site these days...
              PRIDE OF LONDON.


              • i concur celts...give up posting much now too be fair!
                you know nothing john snow!!!!


                • Originally posted by Factamondo View Post
                  i concur celts...give up posting much now too be fair!
                  Used to be some great characters facto but now we have a few jumped up Pratts larging it behind a keyboard. Utter divs.
                  PRIDE OF LONDON.


                  • yes mate decent all round banterists replaced by wet lettuces!!
                    you know nothing john snow!!!!


                    • What Facto and Celts have said last few months the quality of posts has declined as we have some proper argumentative I like the smell of my own s hit posters


                      • Originally posted by QPRDave View Post
                        Do you know best though Reb?
                        No idea, probably not, but do rate Wickham much better than Doyle, Keane ect


                        • Originally posted by West Acton View Post
                          What Facto and Celts have said last few months the quality of posts has declined as we have some proper argumentative I like the smell of my own s hit posters
                          Completely agree! Maybe this board has had it's day and its time to move on!


                          • Come on lads all us newbies aren't all bad. Yeah we've got our fair share of doughnuts who could quite easily kick up an argument in an empty room, but we're not all like that... Besides if all the warrior's are on here at least we know our streets are safe..
                            SIR LESLIE FERDINAND!!


                            • Originally posted by 3London View Post
                              Completely agree! Maybe this board has had it's day and its time to move on!
                              yep, jog on son, the new blood is taking over innniiitttt.

                              all ya old gits who are not happy being here, qprreport is datta way...........
                              nsa/cia spy on this..............┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐


                              • Originally posted by Hitman34 View Post
                                yep, jog on son, the new blood is taking over innniiitttt.

                                all ya old gits who are not happy being here, qprreport is datta way...........
                                nothing wrong with reports site, there is a lot of good posters on there as is there on loft for words and clive does a really good match report every week, this place isnt bad some times!

