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Connar Wickham to Leeds.

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  • #46
    We aint got a defence anymore though.. think Dunne and Hill are fvcked. Season taking its toll on them. played loadsa games


    • #47
      Originally posted by West London is Rss View Post
      That's because when things go wrong in any walk of life, you speak about whats going wrong.. you call it moaning because you disagree, that's simple.

      Its doom and gloom because it is doom and gloom.. there are many MANY valid questions which need answering in regards to the club, management and staff.
      Its not moaning, its speaking about ways we can improve.. You cant simply put your head under the sand and keep saying - 'were 4th'
      There are certain people who want to sit on the fence and there are certain people who want answers...
      I want answers because I go every week, spend my hard earned cash on going to see the rangers. If I input on something which is long-term, like my love for rangers, I want to see a return and see that my money is being spent in a way that is worth it for me.. I am allowed to question (you say moan) any problems and worries I have.

      If you cant stomach other peoples views and take it too seriously then simply don't post or find another forum.
      Oh, but they can. And they will.

      In fairness though, it's a relatively new thing. The week before it was "We're 3rd, only 4 points behind with a game in hand".

      How I long for the days when we were comfortably second, knowing how good things were and we were about to start dishing out "hammerings" and Burnley and Leicester were going to implode through a combination of poor form and injuries.

      I am desperately hoping to be proven wrong about HR, I really am. But everything that we were concerned about the moment he arrived has come to fruition, sadly.


      • #48
        Originally posted by FurtiveFox View Post
        Not that fussed about Wickham. Has flattered to deceive for a few years now. Probably score on Saturday now.
        Proven in the championship, would have been perfect for us IMO


        • #49
          Originally posted by brightonr View Post
          Oh, but they can. And they will.

          In fairness though, it's a relatively new thing. The week before it was "We're 3rd, only 4 points behind with a game in hand".

          How I long for the days when we were comfortably second, knowing how good things were and we were about to start dishing out "hammerings" and Burnley and Leicester were going to implode through a combination of poor form and injuries.

          I am desperately hoping to be proven wrong about HR, I really am. But everything that we were concerned about the moment he arrived has come to fruition, sadly.

          Agreed Bud.. I think the fans who still back him, will still give him another game or two


          • #50
            just seen this exchange on my twitter. quality vblok and wereqpr chat

            Gregory ‏@weareqpr12 47m
            Does #tw #kevinmcleod have jobs? Like coke sniffing bums sitting on #watrb arguing all of the time. #saddos #getalife
            Reply Retweet Favorite More Expand
            Vblockranger ‏@Vblockranger 9m
            @weareqpr12 TW cant get a job due to daddy "issues" and Kev is just too much of a ######## to find employment #sad****s
            Reply Retweet Favorite More Expand
            Gregory ‏@weareqpr12 3m
            @Vblockranger yes #vblock soon #james aka kevin will start to say he will #stab people like he did before. #saddo
            nsa/cia spy on this..............┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐


            • #51
              Originally posted by Hitman34 View Post
              oh god has mcloed canceled his account lol. my goodness!

              come on mcloed. man up and come back man ffs. its only a messageboard.

              get your ars e back here now,
              No, he just said he was staying away until we won. Somebody else wanted to have their account cancelled yesterday.
              That always amuses me. Must be incredibly frustrating to even think of such a thing.


              • #52
                Originally posted by brightonr View Post
                No, he just said he was staying away until we won. Somebody else wanted to have their account cancelled yesterday.
                That always amuses me. Must be incredibly frustrating to even think of such a thing.
                nsa/cia spy on this..............┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐


                • #53
                  I enjoy the PMs we get requesting accounts to be deleted.

                  My usual advice is to go into your profile, slect update password, then look away from your keyboard & hit a few keys - then copy the inputed text & paste it into the confirm password box - job done
                  Minds Are Like Parachutes.
                  Work Best When Open...


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Kevin Mcleod View Post
                    Do us all a favour and go and support them then and give us a rest.
                    Who rattled your cage?


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Hitman34 View Post
                      just seen this exchange on my twitter. quality vblok and wereqpr chat

                      Gregory ‏@weareqpr12 47m
                      Does #tw #kevinmcleod have jobs? Like coke sniffing bums sitting on #watrb arguing all of the time. #saddos #getalife
                      Reply Retweet Favorite More Expand
                      Vblockranger ‏@Vblockranger 9m
                      @weareqpr12 TW cant get a job due to daddy "issues" and Kev is just too much of a ######## to find employment #sad****s
                      Reply Retweet Favorite More Expand
                      Gregory ‏@weareqpr12 3m
                      @Vblockranger yes #vblock soon #james aka kevin will start to say he will #stab people like he did before. #saddo
                      that vblockranger bloke is like a stuck record......banging on about the same things all the time, he's obsessed with me and my background.....he's just envious that's all, jealousy is a terrible trait. complete ar sew ipe that bloke. thank god he's banned from here for good. Pass it on twitter users ta.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by twranger View Post
                        that vblockranger bloke is like a stuck record......banging on about the same things all the time, he's obsessed with me and my background.....he's just envious that's all, jealousy is a terrible trait. complete ar sew ipe that bloke. thank god he's banned from here for good. Pass it on twitter users ta.
                        why's he been banned TW?
                        I must away now, I can no longer tarry
                        This morning's tempest I have to cross
                        I must be guided without a stumble
                        Into the arms I love the most


                        • #57
                          Why was he banned - just curious


                          • #58
                            So the great Connor Wickham is playing for the opposition on Saturday?..............oh no lets give up now


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by skranger View Post
                              Why was he banned - just curious
                              for having a pop at a korean.
                              nsa/cia spy on this..............┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐


                              • #60
                                cant say i hold any grudge against him. i had many a battle with him and plenty of words were thrown at each other but in some weird way i like the guy. maybe he reminds me abit of myself.

                                miss ya vman
                                nsa/cia spy on this..............┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐

