Originally posted by vespa
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"whim of a rich foreign business man"....more than one man at least 4 on the board.....being rich is a given or they wouldn't be the board and im glad they are...
foreign im guessing is designed to make them appear wrong and vilianous.......
"change beyond all recognition"......it will change as will the game...beyond all recognition is simply not true....things will change equally if they don't expand...that is a
law of nature and a fact of time
so two sides of a sentence....on your side logical concern, on the other side, damage to the club by a mindless uncaring foreigner just cos he's rich....
slightly unbalanced question.
you imply I said its wrong to be concerned when in fact I said your concern is wrong imo......just as the gang of four were wrong in their insular views
which led to china contracting and moving backwards....it was futile because you cannot hold back the march of time as the gang of four found out
all you can do is roll with the changes and make the best of the outcome