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Swearing at QPR........

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  • Swearing at QPR........

    I was sitting in the east Paddock right near The Loft next to two young girls aged probably no more than 10 or 11 & they were with their Dad / Grandad, Silver haired Gentleman probably in his late fifties all season ticket holders I think, I swore at the linesman using the F word, & then i immediately turned to the young girl and apologised for the flagrance & uncouth nature of my vernacular.
    I thing that has been bothering me is that in the last ten minutes I started getting the hump & mouthing off to / at people like Cookie & hogan, I was using the F word Liberally during the last ten minutes & probably came across as someone with some anger management & other issues.
    I would like to apologise to the Gentleman & his two young daughters / grandaughters for the *****ic & aggressive vocabulary that I employed in the last 5-10 minutes of the match.
    It is unlikely that he will use this board, but you never know, so I thought I would apologise just in case, because it has been bothering me, pretty certain I only used to F word, but I wanted to apologise regardless, QPR is still a nice club with nice people no matter how much we all like to have a moan.

  • #2
    Mate was in my village local late this afternoon and talking fb with a cross section of pished people.A fair bit of swearing was going on and i did ask to turn it in as there was a few elder people in there with their partners.I swear i try not to.I cringe when i hear lots of it even when i do it.I should learn the english language better so i can express myself correctly.Oh and spell better.
    Chelmsford City the home of Radio


    • #3
      Was sitting in SAR some years ago and in my party was a woman of a certain age, incredibly well spoken, makes the Queen sound a bit EastEnders, and there was a guy near us who was just absolutely losing it, think it was over Marcus Bean if memory serves. I was actually thinking "couldn't agree with you more, mate" but after a while she grew so infuriated she tapped this guy on the shoulder and told him to stop swearing or she wd report him to the police. He was so gob smacked I didn't hear another squeak out of him all game.
      Mind you, she wasn't as well to do as all that. Turns out back in 1968 she got so excited one day watching Rodney that she conceived a daughter at HQ during the half time Bovril interval. The daughter - a really lovely, beautiful girl - has become quite well known and is to this day a died in the wool hoop. Don't know if that takes us anywhere particularly with the swearing debate, but I throw the annecdote into the pot anyway...


      • #4
        i swear alot at games i think i need to tone it down abit. we all do it at some point just need to know the limit


        • #5
          this manager could make a saint swear


          • #6
            I swear to much full stop,there is no limit,not really good at all to be fair.
            Chelmsford City the home of Radio


            • #7
              Swearings not an issue for me at Rangers but its the constant throwing of pound coins and lighters i need to calm down on its costing me a fortune


              • #8
                as long as its only coins and lighters and not devon white...


                • #9
                  Well, I'm pretty certain I didnt overstep the mark, I used to F word, maybe a little bit more often than was strictly appropriate in the last ten minutes, taking in to account there was two young girls of no more than 10 / 11 years old next to me, I am now consumed by a deep sense of self loathing.
                  The old gentleman didnt pull me up on it & I think he was cool / possibly even agreed with what i was saying, but its not the right thing to swear in front of children, having said that, it is perfectly natural to swear at the football, everyone does it some time or another.
                  I posted this with the possibility than the senior Gentleman was see my apology & know that I wasnt just a neanderthal & I wanted to take the opportunity to apologise to this Gentleman & is daughters / granddaughters for my conduct during the closing proceedings of todays match.
                  Hopefully the Gentleman in question reads WATRB's & will see my apology.


                  • #10
                    If you have to swear during a game when there's kids about, you might as well go the whole hog and wear a t-shirt with Prick written on it. Surely your imagination can come up with alternative words, if not move seats to noisy corner or buy a dictionary.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Gtleighsr3 View Post
                      Mate was in my village local late this afternoon and talking fb with a cross section of pished people.A fair bit of swearing was going on and i did ask to turn it in as there was a few elder people in there with their partners.I swear i try not to.I cringe when i hear lots of it even when i do it.I should learn the english language better so i can express myself correctly.Oh and spell better.

                      'my 'VILLAGE' local leighs.................ffs that made me chuckle................chelmsford and villages....that made me smile at this unearthly hour n me still half cut !!!
                      you know nothing john snow!!!!


                      • #12
                        it would be one of the worse things to happen in football if swearing was banned from football because swearing make the atmosphere better because there are chants with swear words in,
                        i dont have no problem with anyone swearing does most people have a problem then.
                        anyone find that child saying before the game but no swearing as it is a family sport annoying because that will never happen!


                        • #13
                          I try not to swear too much in front of women and children in general.Where i sit in X block i have a family in the seats to my right.They have a small boy of 5 years old so i tend to keep the swearing to an absolute minimum.A little respect for others makes everyone's lives better.


                          • #14
                            i do agree with respect with other but it well never ever not be swearing. loads of our chants have swearing in, if there was no swearing then we would loose loads of songs, swearing make the songs sometimes and it is the most effort put into the word depending on the song ie lino your a C*** and you fat B******


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by jackqpr View Post
                              i do agree with respect with other but it well never ever not be swearing. loads of our chants have swearing in, if there was no swearing then we would loose loads of songs, swearing make the songs sometimes and it is the most effort put into the word depending on the song ie lino your a C*** and you fat B******
                              Don't have a problem with swearing in the songs,just that some fans intelligence seems to only include swear words.Constant swearing about every kick of the ball is not really needed.

