Seems we moved the goal posts on the deal ........This may or may not hae been to do with us not getting one of our targets ..
Can understand why AJ would have wanted to go back to Palace particuarly on a 3 year deal .......Similar to us wanting Cookie back (ufortunately it never worked out for Cookie).
To be fair to Steve Parrish , he's not slagging us off really ....just frustrated that he wanted to give the Palace fans back one of ther heroes nd it idn't work out .
He seems to have a very sensible approach to the logic of gettig players in to a newly promoted Prem league club ....As the last paragraph goes on to say . ..
I wish we had adopted the same approach this time last year as its a conundrum the first year back .....getting enough TOP players in and not causng disharmony amongst the players that have taken you up
Norwich , Swansea and now Southampton have all gone about it the right way .