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  • #16
    Originally posted by brightonr View Post
    Probably searching the internet for the slightest bit of encouragement that Marseiile actually want him.
    And now this post of yours will come up on his Google search for "Marseille want Barton" and make him even more frustrated
    Banning people is no longer my hobby,
    but take a look at my photo blog:


    How and why did I start supporting QPR in Estonia:


    • #17
      Before this ridiculous culture of millionaire footballers, players would do it for love and get paid very little.

      The whole game is being spoilt by billionaire vultures, global marketing and corporate image building. Creating drama queens, spoilt brats and egotistical half talents. These players have their agent parasites filling their heads with huge figures and massaging their ego's, telling them they are too good for a club.

      The only satisfaction you can take from it is that most of these idiots will probably be broke within 5 yrs of retiring from football because they dont know what its like to live in the real world.

      Originally posted by 3London View Post
      How do footballers get away with it!

      it really does my head in. In no other job in the world can you behave so appallingly and be so well rewarded. (apart from banking i suppose) If i walked into my job everyday saying i wanted to leave and work for the other company down the road and when i was there did absolutely Fark all. As a freelancer i would be told to leave be paid a weeks notice and probably find it extremely difficult to get another job.

      Footballers are so detached from the real world in terms of money etc, 60K a week for something that most of us would chew our right nut off to do. Its a joke!

