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Don't get it

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  • Don't get it

    Pre season or not same signs are there. Won 4 games out of 40. Thought with playing Exeter and Peterborough would get a couple of wins under the belt which would give us abit more confidence to try get a winning mentality built up into the season. Don't get why Harry still picks mbia park SWP and others, when we got good youngsters who I watched last night coming through. 3 or 4 from last night would be in my squad today as thats what preseasons about. These has beens have had more then a chance get rid. Why play bos****** thurs when know his going when have a trailist sitting on the bench? Weird? Obviously don't know what's going on behind the scenes but hope there is a lot of action to come with players out and in or were wolves all over. Rant over

  • #2
    my sentiments exactly, feel there is still a lack of team spirit and half would be off like a shot:angry:
    I must away now, I can no longer tarry
    This morning's tempest I have to cross
    I must be guided without a stumble
    Into the arms I love the most


    • #3
      I am afraid mate that the has beens we have to keep ticking over for selling on if and a big if there are clubs interested in them ! I would hope that the coaches bleed the younger ones at the right time would you put them in with some of these has beens it would not be my choice put them in with the right sort of players and they won't get too above their station. Pre season totally hate them mean nothing just about fitness but also agree we need a bit of confidence. Also I run a team of under 19's and we tell them we do not want them to go full out no matter what the other teams are doing in pre season its just about us playing the right football and the fitness. Maybe not the answers your looking for but thats the way I see it
      Scottish RRRRRRRRRRRRR'S

